- UFO Sighting in Brooklyn

UFO Sighting in Brooklyn

Perception is quantum, cosmic and right here. It is consciousness.

Thursday November 20, 2003

It's been raining heavily the past few days in the northeast. This is to be expected after the solar storms that disrupt the electromagnetic fields and result in severe weather. One can only be grateful that the temperatures remain warm or we would be buried in several feet of snow. Since October 27, 2003, there have been strong solar storms - coronal mass injections, setting records. These storms reached a high again today.

The solar storms produce strange weather patterns, heavy rain and storms in the northeast where I live in Brooklyn, New York. My apartment faces the Atlantic Ocean, just across the street from Cannonball Park and the Verrazano Bridge. I enjoy watching the ships sailing into NY Harbor, passing bridge.

Today I woke up around 6 am and pulled up the window shade so I could lay in bed and look out over the water and the night sky. It was dark and the lights from the ships and various airplanes were visible in the clearing sky.

In the darkness I saw a bright white light in the sky. Based on the way it was maneuvering, I assumed it was a helicopter. It flew over Staten Island, slowly heading in my direction.

The first vestiges of daylight were dawning as I watched the object head directly at my building. As it came closer to my window I sat up as it seemed as if it was going to crash into my apartment. It was silent, from my perspective.

I jumped out of bed and stood by the window watching as the craft continued to come closer, then slowed down for a second, changed course and very slowly flew past my window and headed north over 4th Avenue, the street in front of my house.

At a distance it looked like the old boomerang UFO photos I have seen. But as it came closer, just in front of my window, I realized that it was a triangular-shaped object with green, red and white lights, all of which were flashing off and on. It was solid, not ethereal. It was made of a dark gray or black metal, and had what looked like a circular hatch at the bottom. It was so close, I could see what looked like giant bolts attached to the hatch.

I ran to get my digital camera, raced to the terrace door and stepped out, only to be disappointed as the craft was gone, at least from my visual frequency.

I wrote down what I had seen, trying to remember as many details as I could. For some reason I had called this experience to me. The craft was not there by accident, yet without contact, I see not point in having the experience at all.

Psychically, I did not sense the energies of entities on this ship or whatever it was.

I did not connect it with my contact 1954 experience in the Nevada Desert ... totally different.

Later in the day I met several people who live in my building, but no one mentioned seeing anything strange. It would be curious to see if there were UFO's reported in Brooklyn lately with the same design. One could say it looked like a stealth aircraft, but it made no sounds and I doubt that it could change direction as this object did.

This is the first UFO experience I have had as an adult.

I have taught classes here where students have reported seeing UFOs outside my window, but I have never seen anything.

I have always stated that the only thing that will impress me is a visit by someone from another realm who can enlighten me.

It is curious that two people have recently 'seen' me back in the 1950's in an old model car of that time line. Robert, a psychic from Long Island, called me last week to tell me that he keeps seeing me as a child in a 1950's Buick in the desert. A second man, Bob, from Brooklyn, also places me in the 1950's, in a late model car that is aquamarine in color. I am wearing a poodle skirt!

My mother, who died of cancer in 1979, and has not been around for years, suddenly returned in a dream last week. She was holding a computer circuit board, green with metal. I heard, "The Mother Board is changing." This makes sense in a computer-based reality in which we are projected programs, software.

Am I supposed to believe that aliens are returning as a result of the sighting this morning? No!

On November 15, during the Harmonic Concordance, many people witnessed strange lights and other unexplained sightings in the sky.

A friend who works for the government told me there are government craft in different sizes from small unmanned reconnaissance ships to some as large as a mother ship. They are silent and seen everywhere. They have been seen in upstate NY for decades as there is an underground base there.

Reports from Peter Davenport - National UFO Reporting Center.

NEW YORK CITY - The eyewitnesses were standing on top of a building on 30th and 7th Avenue watching the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, at 8 PM, when they saw a triangle shaped object flying across the sky at a fast pace." We all saw it, and agreed it had a triangle shape, but with an extra bump adjacent on the triangle shape. At first it looked like a piece of toilet paper flying through the sky, but this was a fixed shape. Then we thought it was a glider, but the shape was wrong and it was too high and much too big to be a glider. It definitely wasn't a plane, there were no sounds coming from it. It took about one minute to streak across the sky.

MANHATTAN, Over the course of an hour or so around 8 PM, on November 8, 2003, the witness saw what at first looked like a group of birds flying in a V formation with lights. They were very high up and flying south shifting and changing in strange patterns. After a few seconds it became clear that they were not birds, since they too high and moving too quickly. They looked almost like long strands of toilet paper, really high up, that would separate and then reconnect. We saw several of these formations fly across the sky, all north to south against the wind. Some were illuminated, although it's hard to tell if they were producing light or reflecting the light from the city below. There were no flashing lights.

NEW YORK CITY (JAMAICA AREA) -- on the night of the Eclipse the witness saw a boomerang shaped object hovering over the park in Jamaica, Queens. Twenty minutes later I saw jet fighters circling the city.

OZONE PARK -- On November 8, between 8:30 to 8:45 PM a family was outside looking at the Lunar Eclipse when they saw a sliver or dark gray boomerang with no lights that was drifting out of a hue of clouds. It appeared like a hand glider but its shape was like the formation of wild geese. It was a giant silver or dark gray boomerang and blended into the sky. It was big and I pointed it out to my 17-year-old sister and my 58-year-old mother. All types of aircraft fly right over our house. The object appeared to be at an altitude of 9-10,000 feet. There were no lights, no sound...just a steady drifting object moving south and then turning widely east. Five minutes later, when again for a second time, we saw the same object moving from the east. A close friend, also, was amazed to see this strange and weird object. Four minutes later you could hear and see a fighter jet with lights flashing flying at great speeds at a higher altitude, also moving west to east.

Silent Running: 'Black Triangle' Sightings on the Rise   Space.com - September 2, 2004
They have become legendary in UFO circles. Huge, silent-running "Flying Triangles" have been seen by ground observers creeping through the sky low and slow near cities and quietly cruising over highways. The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), has catalogued the Triangle sightings, sifting through and combining databases to take a hard look at the mystery craft. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, NIDS is a privately funded science institute with a strong research focusing on aerial phenomena.

The results of their study have just been released and lead to some unnerving, still puzzling conclusions. The study points out: "The United States is currently experiencing a wave of Flying Triangle sightings that may have intensified in the 1990s, especially towards the latter part of the 1990s. The wave continues. The Flying Triangles are being openly deployed over and near population centers, including in the vicinity of major Interstate Highways."

'Flying Triangle' sightings on the rise   NBC - September 2, 2004

An eyewitness in Port Washington, Wis., described a large object that flew over her home at an altitude of 500 feet in October 1998. The witness' husband is a graphics artist, so this graphic reconstruction from the pair shows a football field-sized, wedge-shaped object with flashing red, blue and white 'disco lights.' They have become legendary in UFO circles. Huge, silent-running 'Flying Triangles' have been seen by ground observers creeping through the sky low and slow near cities, and quietly cruising over highways.

The National Institute for Discovery Science, or NIDS, has cataloged the Triangle sightings, sifting through and combining databases to take a hard look at the mystery craft. Based in Las Vegas, NIDS is a privately funded science institute with a strong research focusing on aerial phenomena. The results of their study have just been released, and lead to some unnerving, puzzling conclusions. The study points out: "The United States is currently experiencing a wave of Flying Triangle sightings that may have intensified in the 1990s, especially towards the latter part of the 1990s.

The wave continues. The Flying Triangles are being openly deployed over and near population centers, including in the vicinity of major interstate highways." A key NIDS conclusion is that the actions of these triangular craft do not conform to previous patterns of covert deployment of unacknowledged aircraft. Furthermore, neither the agenda nor the origin of the Flying Triangles are currently known.

The years 1990-2004 have seen an intense wave of Flying Triangle aircraft, the study observes. Sifting through reports by hundreds of eyewitnesses, the NIDS assessment states that the behavior of the vehicles does not appear consistent with the covert deployment of an advanced DOD [Department of the Defense] aircraft.

Rather, it is consistent with (a) the routine and open deployment of an unacknowledged advanced Defense Department aircraft or (b) the routine and open deployment of an aircraft owned and operated by personnel outside the Defense Department, suggests the NIDS study. The implications of the latter possibility are disturbing, especially during the post-9/11 era when the United States airspace is extremely heavily guarded and monitored, the NIDS study explains.

In support of option (a), there is much greater need for surveillance in the United States in the post-9/11 era, and it is certainly conceivable that deployment of low-altitude surveillance platforms is routine and open. According to Colm Kelleher, NIDS' administrator, the newly completed quasi-meta-analysis of Flying Triangles melds three major databases, from NIDS, the Mutual UFO Network and independent researcher Larry Hatch, the creator and owner of one of the world's largest and most comprehensive UFO databases.