Comet McNaught, Fibonacci Numbers, O'Hare Video, Doomsday Clock

Comet McNaught

Hot comets are in the news these days ... brighter and closer. The main comet currently impacting consciousness is Comet McNaught discovered on August 7, 2006 by Australian Robert H. McNaught.

There are many interested photos posted on the NASA Website,, and Google Images.

Google Videos and YouTube

Images from the Pyramid Cam

Dwarf planet 'becoming a comet' BBC January 17, 2007 ... "An unusual dwarf planet discovered in the outer Solar System could be en route to becoming the brightest comet ever known."

Back in the early days of Crystalinks ... circa 1996 or so ... the hot comet was Hale Bopp. Some readers may recall channelers saying that the comet was a camouflage for a UFO through which they were receiving information. How lame does that seem now!? Not sure if anyone is saying they channel entities on Comet McNaught, but nothing I heard to that effect.

Somewhere in prophecy a truth lies buried. It is like a game or puzzle, that many seek to unravel, as it calls to them, and is nothing more than part of the equation of their awakening process. The truth behind the illusion is that it is all a virtual reality experience. Keep searching and one day you will connect the final dots. Greater meaning will go beyond words read on this page, but awakened in your heart and soul. And on that day ... you will understand.

As for comet prophecies and Nostradamus -- we find this possible quatrain.

The 'fire with long sparks' could mean many things, including a space shuttle, or UFO that crashes as a trigger of awakening, which he would not have understood while scrying back in 'the day'.

There are several websites listed on google about comets and prophecies, that might connect for you, but their content is mostly metaphoric.

Fibonacci Numbers

Golden Proportion

The last email I read Tuesday, January 16, 2007, was from a man asking about the number 144. With that in mind I fell asleep. Ten and a half hours later, I woke up dreaming about Fibonacci Numbers and Creational Programs ... the spiral of consciousness found everywhere, even human DNA.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657...

We are living these patterns. We are experiencing through these numbers.

'89' took me to 1989 when a major insert was placed in the program. I further realized why 1989 was important in "Sarah and Alexander" (can't state that here for those who have not read the book). Actually, most of these numbers have relevance for me. Play with them and see what you come up with.

I wonder if Nostradamus connected?

I am also sensing a connection to St. Germain; no, not the ascended master ... although I just realized there are allegedly 144 ascended masters or something like that. (12X12) As you know I am not into Ascended Masters ... a Blavatsky throwback. This is about the alchemist Count of St. Germain ... death questionable ... life more questionable... an enigma and a great insert.

You know where zero takes us ... zero is also naught ... McNaught?

As always ... this is all good copy...

Gotta fly .....

UFO's ... O'Hare Airport

"Hey fellas! I missed my flight out of Chicago. Can you help me?"

"Must be one of those human terrorist, Zeta.
Caused more than one of our ships to crash!
Everyone back on the ship!!
Let's get out of here and back to the beginning!"

The same video is on ...
UFO Over O'Hare Airport Google Video
UFO Over Chicago O'Hare Airport YouTube

After the 2006 elections, I felt that the truth will surface in the next US Presidential administration. It all comes around as the program cycles down. This allows one to believe that the truth is out there and we are getting closer to revelation.

Pyramids - Giza Plateau

Sacred Geometry

Doomsday Clock - January 17, 2007

Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock' BBC - January 17, 2007
It now reads 11:55 PM or 5 minutes to mid-night.
Does the 5 represent 5 minutes? 5 months? 5 years? 2012?
Remind you of "Sarah and Alexander"? Tick Tock!


Sarah and Alexander

The Alchemy of Time

Close your eyes. Envision a countdown clock.
What time does your personal end-time clock read?
It's all about mid-night, mid-night blue, 12:00, 2012, Tick Tock!

Comets in the News ... 2007