August 15, 2023
Last week - during a reading with a client in China - we discussed many topics including UFOs and extraterrestrials. The subject of crystals never came up but in the days after his reading I couldn't shake the image of an iron meteor fragment that I knew had fallen to Earth long ago.
Tuesday I received a gift from my client - a unique black tourmaline crystal along with a Thank You note. A short time later I found the article below about the meteor discovered in Michigan and for some reason these objects - and the one in my vision seem connected for me.
After carefully unwrapping the crystal - I went outside to share it with a neighbor and take pics.
Another Window
Back upstairs I placed the crystal on the table with sunlight reflecting its many facets.
I love shiny black objects which I associate with ...
- the black hole of creation - void - dark matter and dark energy
- the black lenses the gray aliens use to protect their eyes and as technology making them artificial intelligence.
My crystal's final destination is on top of my breakfront along with four other crystals and a plant facing the Verrazano Bridge just outside. It is situated at an angle that can amplify or divert the energies of other crystals as needed
This Ancient Meteorite Is A Time Capsule From The Birth of Our Solar System
Science Alert - August 29, 2023
A piece of ancient space rock that ended up on Earth is giving scientists the clues they need to understand the cloud of dust from which the Solar System was born. The rare object is known as Erg Chech 002, and an isotope contained within it suggests a sprinkling of radioactive material from recently exploded stars infused with our Solar System towards the end of its formation.
One of the largest meteorites ever recorded in Michigan
never came to the attention of experts until a whopping 80+ years after its discovery Science Alert - August 16, 2023
Living a humble life as a 10-kilogram (22-pound) doorstop at a local farm, the space rock laid around for several decades before being recognized by the scientific community. There are probably other rocks like it scattered through the planet that people ignore because they are unaware of their journey through space - as well as scientific information they could share about the journey of humanity.
This Strange Metal Object Could Unlock Secrets Buried Inside Earth
Science Alert - August 18, 2023
NASA's robotic mission to a metal world is scheduled for liftoff on October 5, 2023. That mission, the spacecraft traveling there, and the world it will explore all have the same name - Psyche - considered an iron giant of asteroids.
Physicists Just Synthesized Crystals Of The Material We Think Is in Earth's Core Science Alert - August 19, 2023
Physicists have successfully squeezed iron into the form we think it has deep in the center of Earth. It's called hexaferrum, or epsilon iron and is only stable at extremely high pressures. Scientists think the majority of the iron in Earth's core takes this form, and a detailed understanding of its properties could help us understand why the very center of our planet seems to have directional variations in its texture - a property known as anisotropy.
Kissing Fish Effect