The true mission for a souls is to realize that they are spirit have a physical experience that is about to end, or evolve into something new. You are not a physical being have a spiritual experience. Your mission is to create balance within your live by healing and then helping others. Once achieved you create union with your twin soul who waits for you above.
As is above, So is below, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth who is Z, who guides my work here and is my twin aspect.
The polarity of our reality is create by electromagnetic energies, two poles, north/ south, the souls splits in half, twin soul, twin flames, yin/ yang, male / female aspects of one soul. The aspects above watches as the aspect below enters into physical form to experience third dimension. The goal is for that which is above to guide that which is below, the goal, mission, to reunite by restoring balance as once they were.