Once upon a time, in the magic kingdom of Earth, the Storyteller sat down and created a great tale about a god who would descend from the light to bring spiritual meaning to this realm where anything is possible.

As with all of His stories the event of the birth would be ushered in by a celestial event, to be witnessed by those who lived on the planet, as a symbol of great spiritual evolution. This soul experienced many lifetimes in many stories on the planet, as have all souls.

There are those who prophesize the return of this God marked by the merge of two realities and the lowering of the veils that separate him from his soul aspects on the planet.

Once upon a time, wandering Magi saw a celestial marker and traveled from east to west just as the kings of ancient Egypt had moved from east to west when they ascended, just as the sun moves from east to west each day, clockwise, the Cycles of Time once again looping and repeating.

Who were these Magi? Why did the storyteller give them this name?

The word Magi comes from an Indo-European root meaning great, exalted, raised up.

Many English words coming from the same root, such as magic, magnificent, majesty, master, megalith, and even magnetics, still retain some of this original sense.

The word 'Magi' is also the plural form of the word 'magus' (from old Persian 'magu') which designates a member of an ancient Near Eastern priestly caste.

These were the priests, initiates, whose time lines moved from Egypt and the ancient Mystery School teachings, to Mesopotamia, to Persia and Zarathustra. These priests held the sacred knowledge of creation, that which humanity has sought for generations and which are presently called sacred geometry. This is about myth and metaphor that began with Isis (Sirius) and Osiris (Orion) and the story of our creation based on male-female union. This represents the balance in all things, the reunion of our male-female aspects at this time.

This is about the Priesthoods, the Sacred Castes, the Initiates, the Watchers, the Guardians of the Secrets, those of the Light vs. those of the Dark who try to steal the secrets that would enable them to control the destiny of Man.

This lead to the creation of many Sacred/Secret Orders and Knighthoods which have always existed both in the Public and as Hidden Societies whose names and agendas repeat through recorded history.

According to the dialogue 'Alcibiades', ascribed to Plato, the Persian Magi were priests, who practiced a form of spiritual mysticism which was their religion.

In the Orient, tradition favors twelve Magi - 12 being a number linked to sacred geometry.

There are many metaphors linked to the story of Three Magi, who came from the East to adore the newborn Jesus. (Matthew. 2).

The truth about the Magi, the Star, and this souls who descended to guide us are only known to the Storyteller who continues to write us each a new story every day as we experience in third dimension.

Catholics celebrate the visit of the Magi with the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th. There is no mention of the number of the Magi who came to pay homage to Christ. The idea that the Magi were three in number may have grown from the number of gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh, offered to the infant Christ. For thousands of years, the aromatic gum resins of East African Frankincense and Myrrh have been harvested to supply the demands of old civilizations, many faiths and for medical uses. They run in the tandem with that of man's evolution. They were once considered life-line to spiritual and physical health and well-being. They continue to excite the imagination and are probably the most famous aromatics of all time. Myrrh was used to prepare the body of Jesus for his tomb.

Early Christian Art and the Number of Magi

A painting in the cemetery of Sts. Peter and Marcellinus shows two;

A painting in the Lateran Museum, shows three;

A painting in the cemetery of Domitilla, shows four;

A vase in the Kircher Museum, shows eight (Paris, 1899).

Image by Rembrandt