A Gray Day in Brooklyn - Alien Encounters

There is no doubt that the Gray alien presence is part of our genetic history and record, its initial inception not as yet determined. We can trace it back to the WWII timeline, another biogenetic experiment, compelling/completing at this time - actually they are all closing simultaneously. Reports from those involved, vary, but certain patterns do exit. Reports of sightings, contacts, screened memories, and more, continue to surface, and will do so until humanity's biogenetic experiment comes full circle, which many believe is 2012. Whenever/wherever the experiment evolves, that moment is rapidly approaching.

Saturday, June 21, 2008, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn - On a warm summer's day in the city, I read a client from northern New Jersey - let's call her Mary. Mary, in her early 40's, is Jewish, divorced, has a daughter and son ages 22 and 16, is very attractive with long blond hair and blue eye, tall, slim, having a pleasant disposition and full of fun.

During her reading, it was discovered that she has been an ongoing abductee since childhood, first in New York where she was born, then in Florida where she lived with her family for many years, then as an adult in New Jersey.

Wanting to continue our conversation after her reading, we met with my friend Mike, 47, part Hopi, retired from the NYPD, also divorced, also with a son and daughter ages 20 and 13, another abductee since childhood, living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

The Diner Experience ...

Sitting in the Bridgewater Diner on 3rd Avenue, we discussed their experiences - some overlapping, others different. Mary and Mike had lots of stories to tell, both open to share and happy to meet someone of like mind. Both feel they can easily recognize other abductees when they meet, and saw that in each other. There was an excitement, an electricity I felt in their connection, not romantic, but something else.

Our meeting, on this day, was an obvious 'metaphysical set-up', something the three of us had attracted. But why? Each would come away different for the experience.

Much of what they remember about their abductions was explored in the Spielberg mini-series Taken, Mary mentioning that she was told Spielberg's connection in all of this is that he, too, has been taken.

Mike is more open to discussing his experiences, while Mary tries to forget, though happy to talk with us and not at all paranoid as are many abductees I've met in the past.

Both have worked with leading UFO researchers and hypnotherapists, including Budd Hopkins.

Family Connections ...

It would appear Mike and Mary, both come from families that have a history of abductions going back at least 2 generations, that they are aware of.

Both felt alone in their childhood, a sense of not belong, and are now basically estranged from their siblings. Mike is the oldest of 5 and Mary the youngest of 3.

Both believe they have produced hybrid children, their own DNA altered before they were born, to that end. They believe these children are part human and part alien, not a mix of genetically altered human with human. Mary has proof of pregnancies, wherein the fetus disappeared after three months of gestation.

Mary's ex-husband thought she was crazy. Mike's ex-wife thought he was crazy until she was taken along with him, then divorced him. Mary remembers her daughter being taken as a baby, though nothing has happened to the daughter since that time. Perhaps her daughter did not possess the codes the grays were seeking.

Memories ...

Memories are unique to one's experience and/or part of their genetic and racial codes. They can be real or screened, objective or subjective, often influenced by fear.

Mary and Mike remember the fear, anger, and pain at the hands of the grays during some of the experiments.

Mary said she prayed they would put her to sleep, or wipe her memories during the experience, but that did not always happen.

Mike remembers few childhood abductions, while Mary says they were ongoing. Mike cited his first experience, age 8, at sleep-away camp in the Catskill Mountains of NY, when he went missing and was discovered the next day, miles away his clothing disheveled. His only memory was a bright light.

Mike and Mary both remember the sounds of a compressor, or the like, during the abduction experience.

Both have strong memories of being taken right through a wall into a light, paralyzed with fear. Each discussed neighbors witnessing the lights, but not coming forward to authorities and the public.

Physical Evidence ...

Both showed me marks on their bodies as physical evidence.

Both have photos that may or not tell a story, nothing definitive as far as I can see.

Both are artistic with a need to drawn what they remember from various abductions. Mike's Art

Mary showed me the top of her hands, noting that the pores of female's abductees are different than the norm. Strangely she said my hands have the same 'almost scaly' signature, though I have never been taken by the grays.

Interesting Encounters in 3D...

Mary told us that she can go for long periods of time without contact, but whenever she is with others who have been abducted, it starts again. Here we find the Synchronicity Principle - attraction and manifestation by design for experience.

Mary mentioned people who show up in the most unusual places, under what are seemingly normal circumstances, then, for no reason, start talking about being taken. This is all done by grid attraction, by those involved, for the experience.

This can be part of the huge healing process humanity is undergoing, or simply to gain information.

Mary and Mike have had unique experiences meeting alleged humans, dressed in clothing from another period in time, who showed up unexpectedly, spoke a few words, then disappeared.

During this part of our conversation, my thoughts turned to my experience in the Catskill Mountains with Dennis last October, meeting someone who looked and dressed like Merlin. There is something in the experience of that moment that is so powerful, you know it was set up and you must get the message. For Dennis and I, it was EZ.

The Ships ...

Mary was told that the ships are under the water, called USO's - Unidentified Submerged Objects . Something 'under water' can also be a metaphor for 'in another grid' of the collective unconsciousness.

Mike connects with ships outside the planet and believes he has photos as proof, though to me they are just lights in the sky.

Metaphysical Connections...

Both feel they connect telepathically with the grays and hope to one day manifest an experience to prove it.

They also believe that under the right circumstances they can call down the ships and entities. That has yet to be verified.

Neither Mike nor Mary, have pleasant memories of their abductions, yet both feel special for what has happened to them.

Mike understands that change, the evolution of consciousness, is filtering into the grid, and has worked hard to heal and increase his awareness. He has his own conception of where his soul will go once it leaves here, which is beyond the physical and into 'tomorrow'....

Mary is a single working mom, who does not have time to meditate, though recently it came to her that she should start. Mike said he will help her, having tapes and techniques acquired during his journey.

Both spoke about the classic information given by the grays, about us being part of them and wanting to create a more advanced human, and to save their species, etc.

Touching her left eye, Mary told us about having a screen of some kind, placed over her left eye, showing cataclysms on Earth, as she received the message that this will occur if humans do not change their ways. This theme goes along with all prophecies, and is self-defeating, because in an electromagnetic (thus bipolar) experience, balance cannot maintain its frequency. There are metaphors here - reality as projected illusion, the Eye of Horus Mystery School Teachings, etc.

... We experience in a consciousness hologram. There is no ascension while in a physical form. All is thought and light. To get to the space that so many envision and project, is to drop the physical body - a drop in the physical bucket. Most people foresee souls evolving into a balanced space, because they need that frame of reference and want the future to be paradise, but it won't, and can't, happen in this program. Maybe these people have experienced too much pain and suffering here and need to believe that they will continue on in love and light. To experience in love and light, that is what you must be. Most of these people do not know how this will happen, though they realize consciousness (virtual experience) is shifting (awakening) now.

What's up with this move to 4th or 5th dimension stuff? This is outmoded channeled information dating to the 1980's and 90's. Get over and beyond it. These people await codes from all kinds of entities including Thoth and Isis who were Jesus and Mary Magdalene, etc. Hellooooo... You're talking about one soul, who I know as Z, who played these roles and says we go poof at the end of time. They further talk to me about the metaphysical concept of 12 strand DNA - which links to 12 around 1 and 2012 - more metaphors and goes to Superstring Theory.

Present Day

We discussed the fact that many abductees go crazy after being taken, often becoming substance abusers. It would also appear that these souls had a predisposition to that end, their experiences, truly a violation, putting them over the top. In a world gone mad, making less sense each day, only the truth can turn it all around.

Mike understands that the biogenetic experiments have ended, Mary uncertain. Both feel that contact continues, citing dates and experiences far more real than the vague memories most abductees have.

The biogenetic experiments ended in 2006 - check the 'codes' in the grid to understand.

Mary continues to sleep with the lights on, often unable to sleep, though she has not been taken for many years. Mike also has trouble sleeping. He was last taken in 2007 where he saw shown a future that begins in 2012, as per the Mayan Calendar.

If all of reality is a metaphor, played out in linear time, then all of what we manifest as experience can be sorted out and understood.

Has the experiment, outside the box, failed? Was it ever programmed for success?

Back in Ellie's World ...

After leaving the diner, I drove along the shore, bringing Mike and Mary back here as guided. Would anything special manifest? I wondered as we all got comfortable on the living room sofa.

The energies were strong, but in truth not the way they feel when I am with my friends, who are on the same frequency. Their energies take me right into my work and outside the box.

Being with Mike and Mary would be different.

So there we were ... focusing on the grays making an appearance. With that we experienced the opening of a portal through my huge skylight and above, followed by the energies of the Grays.

The Little Girl and the Grays ...

Suddenly I heard a little girl's voice say, "Mother, I am here." We all looked over as her energies filtered in the sunlight, not far from us. She looked human, about 6 years old, long dark hair, large light blue eyes. Mike saw golden light radiating from her heart and considered her very powerful. Mary believed the girl to be one of her hybrid children.

I made my usual instant connection with Z, taking comfort in the fact that he was watching, as always, covering my back (my 6), as I felt something about to happen.

Suddenly the energies of the grays filled the room. They were all over, like locusts. To me it was awful and very real ... somewhere.

These were the negative aspects of the grays, those who would abduct and harm other sentient life forms.

Then I heard this screeching squealing sound that repeated several times. I wasn't sure where it came from, but it was piercing, sounding like the grays were crying out in pain.

Then all got quiet ... Mike and Mary starting talking, but their words were inaudible to me. My consciousness went to the child, who looked at me knowingly.

Dead grays were slumped all over each other in endless piles in the place the child exists!

My mind returned to 3D consciousness, as the vision of the grays and the child dissipated, leaving us to discuss the experience.

White light filled the room, Z smiling, his energies conveying that something important had happened.

The portal closed on the grays and the experience.

Point Taken !

Though I have, on occasion, seen the gray's liquid black gray eyes staring back at me when I close my eyes, I am thankful not have been involved in that part of the experiment ... and yet I know in some way I am.

In all, there is something about Mary ... and Mike ... and this experience which is best understood outside the realms of the logical mind.

To me, it is a metaphor for the human biogenetic experiment. The end result, the evolved soul who goes beyond the illusion and into light consciousness.