September 2004
I dreamed that I was on a beach (sands of time, Earth plane) with many people, though I knew no one. Most of the people were children (emotional body), moving in and out of the water (collective unconsciousness) or standing by the shore, oblivious to its meaning, yet sensing something out there. I felt out of synch and didn't want to be there.
As it grew dark, I knew it was time to leave. I quickly found my right sneaker and put it on. I searched everywhere but could not find my left sneaker, but I took comfort in the fact that I had a new white pairs of sneakers at home.
As the beach area cleared, I continued to search for my lost sneaker, alas, to no avail. Suddenly I discovered I was very small, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, a lost child, and saw my friend, Shirley, a teacher and Dean at Hunter College in NYC. She wrote the book Targeting Autism about Autistic Children.
Shirley and I have been friend for 33 years. She lived a half block away from me in Manhattan Beach and she still lives there. Our daughters were friends. Shirley and I often walked on the boardwalk and along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Her last name is Cohen, as in 12 spiraling cones of consciousness around 1, sacred geometry, spiraling patterns of creation. (12X3=36)
In my dream ... Shirley was with a group of people having a huge graduation party. (Something had just ended and they were celebrating).
She leaned over a large wooden table or platform, looked down at me and asked me why I was still below. I told her that I had to find my left sneaker. She told me that I would never find what I was looking for below, in the sands of time, and I should join her and the rest of the 36 above, the 36 creational forces, where I belong. Further...Shirley is born August 2, making her a Leo- Omega, Closure, etc.
As I seemed uncertain, she handed me a piece of vanilla cake with vanilla icing, wedding cake, union of twin flames, my favorite, and said, "The sugar will make your search easier." I have a sweet tooth.
This also symbolizes that the rest of the journey is a 'piece of cake'.
I woke up and looked at the clock. It read 4:40.
Dreams of Ending Time Balance
September 27, 2004