Tuesday, September 27, 2004
As I awoke this morning, I saw myself standing on the platform of an above-ground subway or train station though I do not know where it was, if indeed it exists in the physical. The platform came to an abrupt end as did the railroad tracks (life path symbol) as did this part of my dream.
I heard, "We are coming to the end of the line."
I fell back asleep and dreamed of a large bird with pleated wings and thought of the Phoenix, the female bird of resurrection. I was drawn into its eye and woke up further realizing my connection to the Masonic Program.
In the final part of the dream, I saw the Dumbbell Symbol in shiny metal (alchemy). It was vertical and I heard "As is above So is Below, the 12 Petal Flower of Life is evolving." The image began to rotate becoming the Great Pyramid above and below to form time. It too stayed for a brief moment, then disappeared out of existence as I woke up.