
Christianity (from the Ancient Greek word Khristos, "Christ", literally "anointed one") is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings. Adherents of the Christian faith are known as Christians.

Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, God having become human and the saviour of humanity. Because of this, Christians commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah. The saving work of Christ on the cross is often referred to as the Gospel message, or good news. The three largest groups in the world of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the various denominations of Protestantism. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox patriarchates split from one another in the EastÐWest Schism of 1054 AD, and Protestantism came into existence during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church.

Christianity began as a Jewish sect in the mid-1st century. Originating in the eastern Mediterranean coast of the Middle East (modern Israel and Palestine), it quickly spread to Syria, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and Egypt. It grew in size and influence over a few decades, and by the 4th century had become the dominant religion within the Roman Empire. During the Middle Ages, most of the remainder of Europe was Christianized, with Christians also being a sometimes large religious minority in the Middle East, North Africa, Ethiopia and parts of India. Following the Age of Discovery, through missionary work and colonization, Christianity spread to the Americas, Australasia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the rest of the world.

Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, referred to as the "Old Testament" in Christianity. The foundation of Christian theology is expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds which contain claims predominantly accepted by followers of the Christian faith. These professions state that Jesus suffered, died, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead in order to grant eternal life to those who believe in him and trust him for the remission of their sins (salvation).

They further maintain that Jesus bodily ascended into heaven where he rules and reigns with God the Father. Most denominations teach that Jesus will return to judge all humans, living and dead, and grant eternal life to his followers. He is considered the model of a virtuous life, and both the revealer and physical incarnation of God. Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel ("good news") and hence refer to the earliest written accounts of his ministry as gospels.

As of the early 21st century, Christianity has approximately 2.2 billion adherents. Christianity represents about a quarter to a third of the world's population and is the world's largest religion. Christianity is the state religion of several countries. Among all Christians, 37.5% live in the Americas, 25.7% live in Europe, 22.5% live in Africa, 13.1% live in Asia, 1.2% live in Oceania and 0.9% live in the Middle East.

Though there are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible on which Christianity is based, Christians share a set of beliefs that they hold as essential to their faith. Continue Reading ...

'Absolutely outstanding' 12-century picture stone unearthed in Germany likely depicts bishop who brought Christianity to region   Live Science - September 8, 2024

A 12th-century stone carving discovered in northern Germany may depict Otto of Bamberg, a bishop and missionary. A man doing home construction in Germany has discovered a rare boulder with a 12th-century carving - a "picture stone" that may depict a Christian bishop who visited the area around 800 years ago.

The medieval find is a "sensation," as there are only about 20 other known picture stones in the region, Detlef Jantzen, chief archaeologist of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the state where it was found. Known in German as "bildstein," these stones have been found along the Baltic coast in parts of what is now Germany and Poland. While they vary in style and form, they typically show people with a few identifying attributes, such as clothing.

The newfound carving may depict Otto of Bamberg (lived 1060 to 1139), a bishop who served royalty and a missionary who sought to convert people in Pomerania, which is now part of Germany and Poland.

Religion and Reality ... None of it is Real

Religion is mythology. After decades of doing psychic readings and counseling sessions - I have spoken to religious leaders from all denominations including priests, rabbis, gurus etc. Though they are trained in religious doctrine - many question the truth of religion and its future for humanity.

Religious beliefs throughout history have always spoken about gods who return at the end .... of what? That's a good question.

To understand what happens next and answer the eternal questions about who we are, why we were created, and where are we going in some future that we all sense is on the horizon - is to understand the nature of reality as a simulation or hologram in which we experiences at this and other levels of consciousness. Time is an illusion therefore so is everything else.

Religion is based on legend and oral tradition about mythological gods and goddesses who created and watch over humanity - and will one day return. For those who research Ancient Alien Theory - gods were aliens who came to Earth in various guises, stayed to create the human race as part of a biogenetic experiment - leaving behind megalithic monuments and other enigmatic iconic artifacts as proof that they were here - or is this just more busy work to find answers to humanity's origin story?

Ancient Rome
  Star of Bethlehem
Holy Grail
Jesus of Nazareth
Marion Apparitions
Mary Magdalene
Religious Art in History - Jesus - UFOS
Spear of Destiny