Wars, Physicists, ET's - Oppenheimer, Einstein, New Mexico

Its All Connected

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues into its third year with no end in sight - we also focus on the Middle East with Israel, Hamas, and neighboring countries creating conflict. Since mid-November, Iran-backed Houthi rebels have launched more than two dozen attacks against merchant vessels operating in the Red Sea as the US and UK become part of the fray and the region ignites.

Last Sunday Oppenheimer garnered five Golden Globes and was named one of the top-ten films of 2023. The film took us through a wormhole to WWII German and the Golden Age of Physicists such as Oppenheimer and Einstein. A 1947 conversation between the two men was revealed to be Oppenheimer telling Einstein that he envisioned a future in which a nuclear arms race would destroy the world.

Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico where the atomic bomb was designed.

1947 and New Mexico take us the Roswell UFO crash. The distance between Los Alamos and Roswell, NM is approximately 200 miles. There are no accidents.

Aliens seem connected to nuclear weapons - best explained in the TV series Ancient Aliens - The Nuclear Agenda - and also mentioned in other episodes.

Did aliens prevent nuclear war? Former NASA astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, claims they did

We know UFOs/drones have always monitored the human experiment - more so now in End Times. There are agendas as yet unknown to the public - but in truth not that hard to figure out without delving into government conspiracies. This takes us to global events today.

Donald Trump, born in 1946, is a pawn (insert) in the simulation seemingly channeling energies from the WWII timeline and incorporating them into his personal agendas. The way his life unfolds reflects that he was placed into the simulation for a specific purpose the totality of which remains undefined as of this post.

WWII takes us through a wormhole to the beginning via present day events in the Middle East with the Great Pyramid nearby ... boundary names different than in the past yet always connected ... a never ending story that is finally going to end in the cycles of time.

Gantenbrink's Door in the Great Pyramid is in the top 10 Crystalinks' Files.

The Sun, the Moon, and Everything Playing Out Below

Sunset over the Verrazano in a New Moon

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The people paid to spot risks - see high chance of global catastrophe within 10 years

January 11, 2024 - New Moon 20° Capricorn

The Blueprint of Creation

The algorithm of creation follows the Fibonacci Sequence. Consciousness moves in spirals - above and below. This connects to The Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

Antarctica is connected to creation through a black hole - part of simulation theory.

Whales and dolphins have been thought to connect to entities off-planet by harmonic overtones.

Based on the theory of evolution, creation came from the sea perhaps based on the theory of panspermia wherein something from space - accidentally or intentionally - landed on Earth and creation began with the tiniest of organisms - many of which being discovered as the polar ice caps melt down and the oceans give up their secrets.

Incredible 'Fibonacci' Spiral Was Made by a Pair of Whales off Antarctica   IFL Science - January 10, 2024
The unfurling coil of light blue bubbles created a shape on the ocean surface that looked remarkably like a Fibonacci spiral - the famous mathematical pattern that often appears in the natural world, from plant to animal life.

Fibonacci Sequence