Reality is streaming code (consciousness) in which we play all of our games within its programmed parameters or the Precept of Time. The alien agenda is a subroutine (insert) in the game that has puzzled humanity since the beginning leading us to believe there are gods who created us, watch over us, and will one day return - the God Equation, Golden Mean, or Golden Ratio found everywhere in our reality a.k.a. Sacred Geometry.
Reality is a biogenetic experiment within a simulation based on algorithms which guide our every behavior and destiny. One way or another it's time for your codes to activate as the experiment ends.
The brain is a computer - a bio-chemical machine that uses binary code (1' and 0's). The simulation runs on the Fibonacci Sequence as the spirals of time reverse to Zero "0".
People were triggered by 11:11 or a derivative of that numeric code.
We are now at 0,1 reverse Fibonacci Spiral. At "0" Zero the simulation ends.
Simulation Theory - Holographic Universe