Ellie's Purple Pics

Purple plants, boots, jacket, gloves, and nails which place this Aquarian
in the right frequency especially with Easter not far away.

Lavender (Sterling) Birthday Roses

Ten days later my roses are alive and well and living in Brooklyn.

February 27, 1932 - March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor - Videos - Filmography

"Cleopatra was one of the most intriguing characters in history."

Elizabeth Taylor allegedly had violet eyes.

Remembering Count St. Germain

Somewhere in my metaphysical studies I was made aware of a character named Count St. Germain whose biography seemed more fiction than fact ... and yet somehow resonated with my journey here.

As the story goes ... Count St. Germain was once a human who evolved to a higher state of consciousness. He returns to Earth as a Teacher and Ascended Master to help guide the journey of humanity to closure.

Searching further I found the handsome image of him below with the lavender eyes. And then ... there it was ... the hidden clue I knew would show itself .... Count St. Germain sometimes went by the name Master Rakoczi ... another character played by Z.

When I discovered he was a Time Lord - it made sense because Z and I are here about the journey of humanity in the alchemy of time.

Count St. Germain - Deceased February 27, 1784

Crystalinks: Count St. Germain - Videos

The Count of St. Germain's real name is unknown. He has been variously described as an alchemist, courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, pianist, violinist amateur composer, and more. He is best known as a recurring figure in the stories of several strands of occultism - particularly those connected to Theosophy and the White Eagle Lodge, where he is also referred to as the 'Master Rakoczi' one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. He is credited with near god-like powers and longevity. Some sources write that his name is not familial, but was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother."

Many believe I know the secret of the Elixir of Life,
lay hidden in a place which depicts Earth's final destiny.

St. Germain is best known as the Lord of Time.

February 29, 2024 - Leap Day

Who's, What's, and When's of Leap Year Through Time
  PhysOrg - February 25, 2024

Owing to his or her unusual birth date, a Pisces born on February 29 has unusual talents and personalities. They are good-natured, friendly, and optimistic. They see the positive side of any issue, and while not naive, they retain a measure of childhood innocence. They have a youthful exuberance. An estimated 187,000 Americans were born on Leap Day, also known as Feb. 29, and another 4 million worldwide share the birthday. Leap Day always occurs in a US Presidential Election Year.

The Science of Time

Missions and Mysteries - Journeys in the Gears of Time

Gears are mechanisms that measure time and synchronicity

The Zipper Effect is a symbol for time travel.

We are all time travels trapped in the illusion of time ... waiting for it to end/evolve.

Missions and Mysteries Frozen in Time

IM-1 Odyssey Lunar Lander

Odysseus lander tipped over on lunar entry but is able to send back data
  Science Alert - February 26, 2024

Odysseus lunar lander shares new photos from its harrowing descent
  CNN - February 26, 2024

Remote View of the Moon - Alien Artifacts

A large crystalline tower had multiple uses when occupied by extraterrestrials in the past - communication, transportation, way station, experiments, cloaking devices, and more.

Besides the Crystal Tower there are other Aliens Artifacts on the Moon as seen by those who have physically visited and others who have observed them through remote viewing - individually reporting their findings - which were almost identical in all cases upon review.

On Earth we study archaeology to discover evidence of humanity's past with clues to its future.

Lunar artifacts are much the same - explaining the journey of humanity - past, present, and future.

The Human Experiment is one of many that have played out on planet Earth.

It's Time for answers to be given and truth known. I call it remembering ... that it's all part of an experiment set in Time.

Missions and Mysteries Frozen in Time - Antarctica

Pilotless aircraft (drone) has recently taken to the skies above Antarctica in a test flight that could revolutionize the way scientific data is gathered on the world's ice-covered continent. Lots of secrets beneath the ice taking us back to the beginning. Let's get to it.

The Narrative

The Lost City

Antarctica, UFOs, Black Holes