February 19, 2024

US Presidents' Day

George Washington's Visions and Prophecies

This morning, in the laundry room, I found a quarter staring up at me on top of my washing machine. I stood it upright and took a pic ... loving the synchronicity. Was George Washington trying to speak to me?

This coin was minted in 2022 - so why does the pic say 2044?
(Pic inverted for a better look)(Pic inverted for a better look)

On Presidents Day I wonder what George Washington would have written in his journal about the manner in which the American Experiment turned out in this timeline. Would it go something like this?

In his farewell address, Washington spoke of several avenues of tyranny, including selfish ambition (with pretended patriotism,) collusion of powers, usurpation and precedence of usurpation, debt, foreign influence, and rank party politics.

House Republicans were shocked by some of the recent high-profile retirements announced by their colleagues, which have included powerful committee chairs and rising stars inside the GOP

The journey of a president - in any country throughout history - comes with the trials and tribulations of trying to get things done be they personal or for the people. Though it has perks on many levels, it is not an easy job as most of you know. I have always believed there should be an age limit of 70 years old when someone can no longer run for office. I also believe Supreme Court justices should serve no more than six years. Change is what makes things happen - sometimes for the better - other times for the worse - but always part of the equation of our reality - even if recycled.

Today we should not be thinking about recycling Presidents Trump nor Biden and yet we find them to be the top two choices of their political parties - which makes no sense to anybody - thereby allowing us to further understand that something else is at play calling the shots - and if well researched is that we exist in the pre-programmed simulation which at this point is taking us down the road to chaos.

Birthday Presents and Presidents

My birthday (2/17) is sandwiched between Abraham Lincoln (2/11) and George Washington (2/22). Friday I returned from a birthday lunch with a friend - anxious to hear about the verdict in Trump's civil fraud trial here in New York. It's not just one of many trials Trump faces at this time - but the trial which determines the destiny of his empire and reputation. There on my TV was the best present I could have received. Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial and cannot operate business in New York for three years.

The Trump Dynasty is collapsing. In the end it was all an Illusion.

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn - February 17, 2024

Waking up to a Winter Wonderland on my Birthday

Sunrise, Snowflakes, and Symbols of Democracy

Majestic Trees and Footprints in Time

Obelisks Represent Eternity and Immortality

An actual cannon from the American Revolution

Verrazano Bridge - Bridges of Time

101st Street - Down the block from Fort Hamilton

Since this is Presidents Day Weekend - here's a bit of history linking my pics and location with the American Revolution. On July 4, 1776, a small American battery on the site of today's Fort Hamilton fired into one of the British men-of-war convoying troops to suppress the American Revolution. HMS Asia suffered damage and casualties, but opposition to the immense fleet could be little more than symbolic. However, this very significant event marked one of the earliest uses of the site for military purposes.

The American Revolution takes us to the adventures of George Washington and the Freemasons - following the architectural blueprint of the Masonic Program (our reality) - his visions and prophecies, alien experiences, and more as it's all connected.

And so it was written by the original architect

The Masonic Program and The Trump Effect

Saturday -Turning 81 With Family

Birthday selfie with family. They surprised me with a 55 inch TV, sterling roses, and more.

There were 55 delegates at the first US Constitutional Convention

Sunday ... As we move from Aquarius into Pisces - I feel very blessed to have reached 81 without issues. I have always been told that there is something unique about my destiny no matter what it is and where it takes me ... as on I go to that end ...