Do Opposites Attract?

March 2, 2016

They say opposites attract. Could that have to do with their astrological charts, human consciousness electromagnetic energy grids, something else, or could that be wrong?

New research provides evidence that partners are more similar in psychiatric status than chance would predict. The idea that opposites attract may seem to hold true often enough, but it is definitely not the whole story. When it comes to choosing a partner, people actually tend to pair up with those similar to them, in qualities ranging from height and weight to education, income and personality. In other words people seek someone who a reflection of them - their grids for experience aligning. I've blogged ... endlessly ... about people with emotional problems seeking someone with the same conditions to help and heal each other and eventually, if possible, create understanding, before one or both burn out.

Chemistry in any physical relationship doesn't always work that way. I've read women who married very normal productive males, have a great life and family, yet always felt something was missing. They have created a "safe" experience. Years later ... enter the man who has all sorts of challenges from ADD to emotional problems and substance-abuse issues, but the chemistry between them is very powerful. A torrid affair ensues. The woman comes to me to help her make a decision by projecting her future timelines to see how things will play out. Should she leave the security of her home to go off with her lover or should she stay? Some women stay - others leave - especially if the man is on the same metaphysical journey. Generally the affair is the person who opens one's heart which I call a transition person.

Women and men, straight or gay, seeking a spiritual high, get caught up in the catalyzing energy of the moment and tend to forget that their partner is also on a spiritual journey to help heal their own issues. More often than not my client has opened their heart determined to leave the safe relationship only to discover the new partners' issues and need to find purpose will get in the way. Eventually they go separate ways in the telenovelas of the hologram. Will their relationship get renewed for another season? It's all about sponsors, programming, and the movement of consciousness.

Disordered Pairs: People More Likely to Find a Mate with a Similar Psychiatric Condition   Scientific American - March 2, 2016
New research provides evidence that partners are more similar in psychiatric status than chance would predict. The idea that 'opposites attract' may seem to hold true often enough, but it is definitely not the whole story: When it comes to choosing a partner, people actually tend to pair up with those similar to them - in qualities ranging from height and weight to education, income and personality.

Do Opposites Attract?

June 30, 2003

Souls attract to those who are on the same frequency, have similar lessons and needs, often reflect their issues to help them understand and cope, and for reasons that say souls need to be with those of like mind or like frequency. When you move out of frequency, or out of synch for your vibration, life becomes static, and does not flow leading to illnesses and accidents.

Opposites attract, but those of like mind (frequency, having the same goals), have a better chance of attracting something permanent. Functional meets functional, and they have a chance. Dysfunctional meets dysfunctional and it all goes to drama. In this time line, souls are trying desperately to move past drama and into balance and awareness.

To move out of frequency usually is because of hormones and sexual chemistry, mix in bit of past or parallel life soul connection, karma, and souls become obsessive and out of control. They seek the 'high' one gets when 'in love' and usually accompanied with sexual bliss.

Sexuality is about chemistry or pheromones, but, as in all thing is life, it also goes to consciousness (mind), and has much to do with compatibility of partners (frequency grids matching.) If the needs are the same, it works!

Most of us know that frequency is hard to perpetuate, and so the frequency lowers when issues enter the equation.

If you are a normal, educated, balanced person, who does not need a caretaker, does not need illnesses to survive, then you will avoid the opposite polarity of soul experience. You meet someone who has substance abuse or is mentally ill, and, if you are aware, you stop before you start with that person, no matter how bored or desperate you are for a relationship, or how strong the chemistry is.

We all seek The One as the energy of the experience creates a high' and you feel in balance. There is nothing like it. Take it for what it is and enjoy it while it lasts, especially if it opens your heart.

Eventually you meet your twin soul when yin meets yang, and the polar aspects of your soul merge, polarities will attract, and all goes poof at Zero Point.

The Black Pearl

Everything always comes down to ..

As is Above - So is Below Symbology