There's sex ... then there's sex. Many people make love for physical satisfaction and that works for both partners. There is intimacy, but only in the physical.
As you move into higher frequency, making love becomes about connecting chakras and the body, mind, and soul during union, leading to greater connection with your higher self, or twin flame.
Often in this state of higher sexual bliss, you can sense the energy of your higher self, or twin flame becoming part of the union. This often occurs when people of higher frequency, are in love and have sex. This may not happen each time they are together, but in the right energies, it is beyond description. One or both partners, and their 'other worldly' counterparts may or may not take place in the union. This can occur by asking spirit to embrace the energies, or it could happen spontaneously. You may be aware of the interaction, and your partner may not. It all goes to their level of awareness. I believe this is the type of sexual union most people seek. Allow yourself to be receptive and see what happens.