Stunning pictures: Explosion lights up New York Sky in Blue Light
Thursday December 27, 2018 - At 9:12 PM the sky over New York City turned several shades of bright fluorescent blue. There was smoke and a loud hum. The city responded with confusion, fear and lots of humor on social media wondering if aliens had invaded. The culprit was an explosion at a Con Edison plant in Queens. There were no injuries. People saw an electric arc flash with a magnitude similar to a thunder and lightning event. The sound was the arc striking the ground.
The color of electricity as we live in an electromagnetic bipolar reality
Blue Aliens Created Human Blue Bloods (Bloodlines) to Activate Now
Native American Return of the Blue Star Kachinas
Blue Ascended Masters - St. Germain
Blue now highlights in the grids.
The End comes out of the Blue
Most people's favorite color
Greater attraction to blue
Emotional songs
When Chevel sang "Blue" I knew she was destined to win The Voice and she did.
The biggest diversion in the 2019 grids remains President Trump and his whiplash affect on politics, the economy, social and other institutions that has played out following age-old patterns he continues to disrupt to keep us interested. I suppose he was the perfect person to keep our attention diverted from what's going on behind the scenes where reality was programmed for chaos since the beginning and in our timeline set in place by the "Founding Fathers" whatever that term means to you.
So off we go processing how to navigate our lives at the end ... of 2018. If you're programmed to decipher the dynamics behind all of this, including conspiracy theories, you will put a lot of energy in only to discover things are changing too quickly and you have created stress in your life ... but on the other hand perhaps you cannot function without it.
Most people I know realize there's little you can do to change the final outcome. Looking back at the 2018 the midterm elections - they were designated events to bring the Democrats back and make the game more interesting in 2019 and beyond, if there is a beyond. More extreme market fluctuations and natural disasters are reinforcing how erratic the grids are that create the illusion of reality.
Climate change ... some believe it can be reversed. Others believe it is too late. And then there are those who understand the hologram and realize these are our end-time triggers (warnings).
Science and Technology ... they are the vehicles that move us out of the Dark Ages of raw emotions and chaos into greater understanding of reality. They merge pseudoscience with our makeshift reality.
UFOlogy ... not much has happened this year or in recent years. You may feel you connected with aliens, had a sighting or two, but at the end of the day nothing has moved forward that allows for better understanding.
Many believe we will have a recession (not yet), Trump will be impeached (not yet), Earth changes will stop (Never), the Alien Agenda will become known (not yet), immigration issues will find some resolution (no), acts of violence will decrease (sadly no), and whatever people think about as we segue from one year to the next. 2019 is going to be wild ride on and above planet Earth.
It's "all in" the Grids ... along with the "element" of surprise that comes out of the "blue". Tick tock ...
Professor Brian Greene explains the Holographic Universe.
Since the beginning reality has been about blue (electricity) and
gold (the alchemy of consciousness in the evolution of time).
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