A soul resembles a spark of light created by the collective consciousness to journey in many realities simultaneously to experience and learn. The universe in that sense is its university.
Reality is a computer generated consciousness hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.
No matter where the soul experiences, its journey and programing (DNA in the physical), will always remain the same - to find its way home, back to source, origin, where it becomes whole once again.
More and more people ask me... Can a soul experiencing in this reality exist (experience) in more than one physical form - each sole aspect unaware of the others, or perhaps, just sensing them, but independent. Yes.
Since reality is physics and math, are the soul aspects quantumly entangled? Yes. That explains why when one soul aspect dies (deletes) - the other follows shortly thereafter whether they know each other or not.
You can also be quantumly connected to another aspect of your soul that you consider a spirit guide or the like. Many people believe Z and I are one soul. As above, so below.
The reason people often ask about souls is because they feel if they can heal the other aspect of their soul they can heal themselves here .... or some other metaphysical theory in an endless list. Wrong.
The healing world is convoluted yet simple. You heal according to your programmed DNA. Done!