Life is a script...
It is projected Illusion...
Lights, action, camera...
And the winner is....You!
76th Academy Awards .... Rings scores Oscars clean sweep, BBC, March 1, 2004
Billy Crystal was back as host doing an amazing job! I have been asked if he and I are related. To tell you the truth .... I am not sure. My father thought that we were based on some relatives he met when he lived in Florida. He grew up in Long Island, New York, not far from me. At the end of the Academy Awards, winning producer, Barry Osbourne mentioned dating Billy's cousin. It made me laugh as if there was a synchronicity there.
There was something in Steven Spielberg's statement that also connected for me with my book, Sarah and Alexander the Alchemy of Time. "There is a reason they save the best motion picture for last. It is the sum of all the ingredients, the end of a journey that always starts with a dream". Most of the nominated motions pictures were adapted from books.
Metaphors, The solid gold band, a wedding, union of male and female, Merkaba, Star of David, Flower of Life, The wedding 'ring' or wedding 'band'=tones that create and signal an end to each program. Gold=alchemy of consciousness, movement from lower frequency to higher, to the flame, the fire, the light, the creational source. 11 awards, goes to 11:11 , digits that repeat in cycles and trigger memory of completion, the clock, the loop of time, sacred geometry and DNA encoded with mathematical sequencing, and so on...
As we come full circle
fly through the window passed the illusion.
With Oscar looking so much like the Egyptian God Ptah , who was Osiris which takes us to creation and Isis. Is the message that the answers will come from a film? If you read 'Sarah and Alexander' you further understand the connection, and why we all see the story as a film.
Every time an Oscar is given out, an agent gets her wings.
~ Kathy Bates ~