The Music of the Spheres, celestial harmonics of creation.
The Music of the Spheres always reminds me
of the Tree of Life, and its Spheres.
The universal language is geometry.
Spiraling Cones, Rods & Cones, Horns, Taurus, Apis, Harmonics
Music of the Spheres, Musica Universalis
Circles play a central role in the Music of the Spheres. The most famous circle in music is the "Circle of Fifths" which takes us to Beethoven's Fifth... and on and on we go in circles or cycles of creation.
On another note, we come to Johannes Kepler, Celestial Harmony, Harmonic Theory, and the Music of the Spheres, "The heavenly motions... are nothing but a continuous song for several voices, perceived not by the ear but by the intellect, a figured music which sets landmarks in the immeasurable flow of time."