Never try to reinvent the person you are with in a relationship.
Good communication, suggestions, and discussing issues is helpful. Don't try to Control the person or the situation. Most likely they have had these issues for years and need time. Can or should you wait?
If this doesn't work it is time to move on. could try it again late..but you may not want to. Can you leave?
You can change yourself, appearance, emotional issues, career, spiritual outlook, etc. Are you ready?
Changing someone will only happen if the person is ready to work on their issues, at which time they will make the change on their own, especially if they have a mental disorder and anger issues. Compliments are helpful and encouraging, anything that feeds positive energy. Are you a positive person, or do you dwell on someone's faults over and over?
Caretaker personalities often attract dysfunctional partners to feed their emotional needs. The relationship won't work. Much energy will be wasted by the caretaker or both. Sometimes the person straightens out, then leaves the caretaker, who has become a parental figure, or therapist for them. Are you a caretaker for the world?
Sometimes the partner is a reflection of their issues, we have two souls who are lost and confused, seeking change. They could help each other if they are ready. Are you ready?
The best partner is one who is compatible, functional, and willing to listen, change, and grow. Good luck! Don't forget to tell that person, "I love you just the way you are!"