Making Lists

May 2007

My life will be busy over the next weeks, including preparations for my trip to San Francisco, the workshop, Mother's Day weekend, and endless other things linked to projects and clients. I'm making lots of lists. Lists help with Effective Time Management.

Are you a list maker? I can't remember a time I didn't make to-do lists. They organize my thinking and I never forget anything, especially as my life is generally hectic. Sometimes my lists are daily planners, other times they are about long range events. I could never accomplish what I do each day with lists.

If you are really skilled, you can see yourself creating your list and observing how your consciousness is helping you make it unfold effortlessly (such as parking spaces, synchronicities along the way, etc.). This comes with learning to multitask here and above and is a great consciousness exercise. It's a skill anyone can learn when they are in balance. Meditation is cool and relaxing, yoga balances brain chemistry, but multitasking above and below is the best of all.

Ellie's no-brainer routine when leaving home ... put on my sneakers and jacket, grab my purse and whatever else I need to take with me, get my list, take out the garbage, do a quick check on Z's whereabouts. On occasion, I see him above, sitting on his director's chair, a list in his hand. Spirits have lists also.

Back on planet Earth ... now-a-days, people have planners and a variety of cool ways to list things they have to do. Technology makes life so much easier at times ... though complicated at others. Some people I know use audio devices to plan their time more efficiently. As for me, I still use the same method I have been using for decades - a pen and writing pad. I thought it interesting that when I searched for an image for 'lists' (posted above), I found my favorite pen (Bic Pilot, purple) and writing pad (Mead, Cambridge, yellow).

When it comes to self help we are totally absorbed in healing and helping ourselves function. Many people have to acquire skills on how to organize their day and make lists. This goes to brain processing, learning challenges and often personality disorders. You can't make lists and function if your brain chemistry sabotages and you live in confusion and drama. Know yourself.

If you want to work quickly and efficiently, set up your daily routines so that the basics are no-brainers, automatic things you do and can rely on, allowing your consciousness to focus on other matters that can help you heal and evolve. Plan ahead and for possible contingencies. If you forget things, make lists. Many people report forgetfulness has increased in their lives, their focused consciousness not always in this frequency. Consider what you forget and how that event may be losing its importance in your life. Write it down. You must be focused in 3D to create balance. You can't live in Lala Land and evolve out of here at the end of time. Your fears will destroy you. And, as always, if you need professional help, on your to-do list, please write 'get evaluated.'

Ten Years Later - June 29, 2017

The Written Word, Lists Then and Now