Present Day ... February 20, 2011
After finishing a reading, my client and I got to talking about the current Revolution in Egypt and how the need for freedom is spreading globally, hopefully not causing chaos in the US. As we talked, I found myself doodling the outline of the Great Pyramid with water rising up around it. Though I've read about the Sphinx and Great Pyramid being under water thousands of years ago, it never connected until today.
For a split second my consciousness was diverted to a familiar vision I've seen since childhood. The sky above shows Orion. Beings, in groups of 3, descend on a planet I assume is Earth by any name, to set up the rudimentary beginnings of programs set in motion by consciousness following geometric progression as everything manifests simultaneously. Many programs are created and destroyed until one is viable. A pyramid is set in place but only as a stone marker. Elsewhere across a universal divide the patterns repeat. The entities leave, never to return.
After my client left, I went in search of information about the GP being buried underwater and found this website The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Previously on Ellie's World ...
Pyramid Lake, Nevada Adventures