Memos About Life ...

What used to take a lifetime to experience, now takes a decade,
or a year, or a month, or a week, or a single experience ...

February 20, 2014


We all recognize that the global climate has changed in more ways than one, and there is no going back. One can only speculate on a major climatic event, natural disaster or something else that changes the course and destiny of humanity.

The weather finally warmed up in the city today, temperatures in the 40s. With that we find both positives and negatives as usual. On the upside, yesterday's rain washed away much of the snow leaving the streets passable and pedestrians finally able to get around, especially the disabled and moms pushing baby carriages. Today is definitely a well needed breath of fresh air in the middle of one of the worst winters on record. On the downside ... between the freezing and the thawing ... that pattern repeating most of the winter ... there are many deep and dangerous potholes ... which could eventually turn into sinkholes ... so both drivers and pedestrians should be careful. Then there's the flooding that will come now that the snow is starting to melt.

I've heard some crazy stories this winter about ice. One client in New Jersey got into her car to go to work only to discover that her tires were frozen to the ground. Another woman went to the beauty salon - had her hair colored and cut - but didn't have enough time to have it blown dry. She put on her coat and hood and ran to her car parked just outside the salon. When she pushed back the hood - her hair had frozen icicles hanging from it. And the stories go on and on.

Shocker! Melting Snow Electrocutes People, Pets   Live Science - February 21, 2014
As winter's snow slowly melts, people may be happy to see that sidewalks are finally free of ice and slush. But those ice-free sidewalks and roadways may hold an even more dangerous threat: death by electrocution.


The Real Estate Market is starting to move. I wouldn't have expected it to start up quite this early in the season, especially with the weather, but it seems that things are getting busy. People are still looking for foreclosures to renovate and roll over. If you know how to "work it" in the real estate market you could make an investment and live off of the profits. There's nothing new about that. This is not a bad time to invest if you can get a really great bargain and you know someone who can modernize an old building reasonably.

I don't really follow the stock market - it's simply not my thing. I know that men love to involve with the stock market - often like a game or as a means of getting income without having to work. Whatever works ... successfully.

Plan your finances realistically - for any contingency that may occur. Do not take on the responsibility of someone else's life because you will probably wind up being disappointed.

Northern California scored with another Powerball winner Wednesday night. The winning ticket was sold at a Chevron station in Milpitas in Santa Clara County, the state lottery said. The store will get a $1 million bonus for selling the ticket. Congratulations!


Many countries are struggling for freedom today particularly in the Middle East. Our focus this month is on events in the Ukraine. Unlike the fight for freedom, and resulting violence, in other regions around the world, the Ukraine is not a Third World country. The freedom of the people there is not only important, it is symbolic and conflict quickly resolved.


No matter how you look at it ... souls can no longer be suppressed ... existing in meaningless endeavors they call their daily lives. They want freedom and opportunity in career and life. New generations, old generations and those of us in between ... know it's all going somewhere ... the momentum accelerating as we come to a place we know we can be free.

In this subroutine of the hologram, humans are programmed to understand that with each passing year, we are programmed to be both rich and poor in all aspects of our lives, and that anything can and will change in an instant. You can be successful in business and love one day - and lose it all the next. You have to be adaptable and go with the flow not with your ego, even when life makes no sense.

You tend to "feel" that there is a balance to the scales ... the checks and balances of life that are going to make it all worth the effort ... sadly that may not be the case in your end time programming. You also have to be strong enough to rebuild in the world with the word "build" has different meanings than when you were younger, as societies and economies change. You often have to reinvent yourself and you don't even realize it at first, or until it's too late. The past is done, recorded, and right now means nothing in the bigger picture of your experience here.

All of this may sound confusing, but for some reason I think humanity is supposed to be confused and unfocused at this time, perhaps to disconnect at the end. Your patience will be tested to the max in whatever time remains. Hold-fast to your believe systems unless they are antiquated, then once questioned and doubted, quickly let them go.