Wednesday May 26, 2010 ... The BookShoppe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
On a sweltering day in the city, where the temperatures rose to 99.9° in Brooklyn, I was invited by Harper Collins to meet with Sylvia Browne at a book signing for her least book, "Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds". Sylvia had mentioned me and Crystalinks in one of her recent books, "Secrets and Mysteries of the World." As we both belong to the world of psychics and are well known globally, I looked forward to my 20 minute interview. Though I didn't initially remember the name of her spirit guide, Francine, what surprised me is that she knew my 'guide' was Z (Zoroaster), both guides part of our lives since childhood.
We agreed that reality is consciousness, and that it is evolving.
The stock market crashed in 2008. Sylvia believes it is turning around and will reach an all time highs based on the history of the market. Here I can agree with her but I see it crashes just as quickly as it becomes overly inflated.
Sylvia got to see the stone and said that a piece is chipped off, therefore time continues beyond December 21, 2012.
Sylvia can't see past the next 100 years, so she considers that the End of Time. I see the Simulation ending in my lifetime.
Sylvia has goals of building a large spiritual church in San Jose, connected to Novus Spiritus - its goal to heal and help people.
Sylvia believes they will not be catastrophic and will calm down. I believe they are accelerating exponentially and are part of the closing of the Simulation of Reality. The west coast, where Sylvia lives, will see great change in the near future.
March 11, 2011 ... nine months later Tohoku earthquake and tsunami - In California and Oregon, up to 2.4 m (8 ft) high tsunami surges hit some areas, damaging docks and harbors and causing over US$10 million in damage. There is no going back. Friends, who work with Sylvia, later told me that she changed her mind on this topic.
March 21, 2011, the Society of Novus Spiritus announced that Sylvia had suffered a heart attack in Hawaii.
Sylvia and I agreed that the nature of questions from our clients has shifted to "Who am I and why am I here? How can I help and heal?" This permeates the consciousness grids in end times. Most of my clients focus on survival - finance, relationships, love, global changes. They don't trust governments or media. After years of research and study, they have moved away from self-help gurus and theories.
In all, my meeting with Sylvia was lots of laughs. She was warm and friendly. We both felt a connection and embraced it with a good-bye hug. Her energies were declining, yet she travels on to share her message.
Sylvia Browne died today after years of illness. As with all psychics, her predictions had both hits and misses. She will be remembered fondly by our psychic community and others around the world.
Renowned psychic, bestselling author Sylvia Browne dies at 77 CNN - November 20, 2013
March 2020
The world is currently dealing with a global pandemic COVID-19, Coronavirus
This passage from one of Sylvia Browne's books made the news. Some of the facts are correct but only a small percentage of the population are dying - mostly seniors and/or those with pre-existing bronchial conditions. There are people who are treating this like a bad cold or the flu and staying home taking care of themselves.
Quote: In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attacking again 10 years later, and then disappearing completely.
If you read the paragraph below the red circled passage the prediction is incorrect. "Strides in mental health in the first half of the century will be extraordinary, virtually eliminating the majority of the disorders." Things have only gotten worse as people meltdown.