Friday October 2, 2020
Today the news broke that Trump and Melania tested positive for Covid-19. In the afternoon I watched MSNBC with Brian Williams - my favorite news anchor - as they prepared to airlift Trump to Walter Reed Medical Center.
Optics for historical value. Trump, dressed in a suit, walked to a helicopter, waved at the cameras, saluted, then boarded unassisted. Cameras at the top of the Washington Monument followed Marine One for the 8 minute flight. At Walter Reed Trump walked to a black Chevy Suburban waiting for him, then off it went to a nearby entrance.
A few minutes later - a short proof-of-life video - made by Trump in the White House before they took off - aired. That video was to bring reassurance to the American people, the political world, and to foreign adversaries that he will be okay so they will not take advantage of Trump's condition.
Trump's first tweet after arriving at Walter Reed: "Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!" Did he say LOVE? I'm not sure he knows the meaning of the word. Perhaps he's delirious or somebody else wrote it.
Saturday October 3, 2020
This has been a day of conflicting messages about Trump's condition from doctors who skirted questions to Trump's Chief of Staff and others at the White House. This will lead to conspiracy theories and further dissension. There are so many ways his health can go sideways ... pick one.
In the evening I watched a gaunt Donald Trump - at Walter Reed - give a 4 minute message about his improving health. He appeared to have a hard time keeping his eyes open but that is to be expected. My reaction was ... videos could easily have been prerecorded after he got there Friday. He explained why he couldn't quarantine in the White House because he needs to be out in front of people and cannot stay isolated. Never did he mention the importance of protecting others from his illness rather than worry about his own self interest.
When he praised his medical team I could only think - how hypocritical from a man who is trying to take away medical insurance from millions of Americans during a pandemic. Online pics showed Trump working at a desk but when were they taken? I trust nothing as he is showman and anything could be staged except the fact that his arrogance could be the death of him.
When he praised his medical team I could only think - how hypocritical from a man who is trying to take away medical insurance from millions of Americans during a pandemic.
Sunday October 4, 2020
Doctors gave a news brief again avoiding questions and stating Trump might be able to go home Monday. They were forced to acknowledge that his condition was more serious than they had publicly described on Saturday.
The timeline of Trump's diagnosis and treatment over the past few days continues to evolve. People need to know especially those who came in contact with him last week. Trump may have tested positive before going to Bedminster, New Jersey for a fundraiser - to raise money for his campaign. My daughter Zsia lives in Basking Ridge, NJ which is the next town over from Bedminster. People who attended last the fundraiser - shop in her local stores. There is a reasonable amount of worry as people take extra precautions in the weeks ahead.
Conflicting, evasive, and deflective reports about Trump's health continue to surface so the public has no true idea about the facts which based on the past are all opaque and questionable. For that matter there are still questions surrounding Trump's unexplained trip to Walter Reed Medical Center in November 2019. The White House has no credibility when it comes to Trump's dealings with doctors so why should his Covid response be different.
Concerned about optics and his supporters and world leaders seeing him as weak and not in control - Trump did something bizarre today even for him - displaying questionable judgment.
As events unfolded Trump released a video for his supporters saying that he had a surprise for them. Then off he went wearing a regular black mask - the kind I would wear - and didn't seem to care the about the health of those he met along the way.
Some question that perhaps it wasn't Trump in the Chevy but I believe it was. When he held his hand to the window I froze my DVR and remembered reading his palm in 2016. I couldn't see the lines but the positioning of his fingers in relation to each other was the same.
Last week I posted that Trump would say: "I lived through it. You can too." or something to that effect. When he drove around that sentence echoed in my head.
Trump hates weakness admiring people of power be they dictators, from the financial sector, or anyone else who can further his personal goals. He has lived this way his whole life and is never going to change. He is who he is.
As the caravan of black SUV's drove by - Trump waved to supporters while the rest of the world looked on in disbelief ... for so many reasons. I would love to hear the backstory of this adventure if there is time for these guys to write a book or just discuss it after Trump is out of office. I find it interesting that I still can't see the winner of the election and never follow polls.
Trump is really off the rails and can't go a day without the adoration of his supporters. He has already said that when he goes back to the White House he will not quarantine. Lots of stories in the news about what's going on in the White House with members of the staff and others and how badly that has been handled based on the timeline when Trump was contagious.
Let's talk meds: One has to wonder about the long list of medications Trump is taking to control his fever, oxygen levels, and more - some with known side effects such as psychosis and others in question. Remember when news anchor Chris Cuomo talked about having a high fever and seeing his brother Governor Andrew Cuomo dancing around the room in a ballet tutu waving a magic wand and saying he's going to cure everything. It sounds funny but it's very serious because even today Chris Cuomo says he still feels the lingering effects of the disease including fatigue and sometimes fuzzy thinking.
Trump's list of medications, experimental drugs, and a combination of all - are used in severe cases. Long term consequences remains unknown. If you can do a psychic 'body scan' you can see the damage that is developing in several organs. Doctors have reported side effects which may not show up immediately. For a man his age, size and pre-existing conditions long term effects are inevitable.
Trump's illness collides the two biggest stories of the year - politics and COVID-19 - in ways that are inexorable. Because of his handling of Covid - or should I say mishandling for months - the Trump campaign has avoided the topic of Covid but now they can't escape it.
This is a critical moment in American history with many things riding on the outcome of not only the election but everything else that you read about or experience every day. Leadership was challenged from the beginning and more so now as the clock ticks down.
Do you think Trump even cares about the people who have lost their lives and others suffering because of his handling of Covid? OK that's a rhetorical question.
In the believe-it-or-not category - somewhere out there are thousands of people who still believe Trump is the best planning to vote for him or simply don't like the alternate choice which I can understand. You know what I always say - physical reality always presents major challenges that cannot be resolved especially in end times.
Trump's irresponsible publicity stunt today is something we will all remember amid other questionable acts presented during his administration which we hope is coming to an end.
Trump is not the first president who hide health issues from the public during his administration but none of them are the disaster that Trump has been as a president. The job of the president is 24/7 requiring someone who is healthy physically and mentally. This year we are faced with two candidates whose age and performance bring that into question. It's not a pretty picture for the future but nothing about the future looks healthy as natural disasters will soon take us out. Follow science.
Last week I posted: Do I believe there are forces that we do not understand fighting for power with Trump as their puppet: Yes. Interesting battle almost like a scene out of Ancient Aliens but not as corny. Delete.
Trump returns to White House after leaving hospital, sheds mask for photo opportunity
Last week I also posted that when Trump leaves the hospital he will say: "I lived through it. You can too." or something to that effect downplaying Covid. Before leaving Walter Reed Trump tweeted: "Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life," a statement that is both destructive and dangerous as the numbers begin to surge again. Does the country and the world see him as a fool or a powerful leader who knows what he's doing?
As Trump stood there - his hair and makeup done - it was obvious his breathing was labored, one doctor speculating he has Covid pneumonia. Without putting his mask back on he turned and walked into the White House. Unbelievable! Trump wants to get back on the campaign trail and have his mask-less followers show up and cheer on his recovery. The problem is he is still sick, will continue to infect others, and something major will happen before the election.
Trump's Week from Hell September 2020
Taxes, Debate with Biden, Getting Covid