Friday August 26, 2016
Ancient Aliens presented an episode called The Returned having to do with people who have been taken by aliens then return to Earth with a mission for humanity. The abduction experience generally denotes negative emotions and experiences but that not always the case as the episode discussed.
Events in the historic past are myths and legends with markers to help us believe they are true ... maybe ... as nothing really exists but consciousness. Interesting that abduction experiences continue as a means of upgrading human programming.
I was taken, unharmed and unafraid, at age 11 in the Nevada desert - programmed or reprogrammed and returned. Everything that was told to me during that experience has unfolded with a few exceptions - making my life both unique and protected - until everything Fades to Black. My mission, as I see it, is to bring knowledge about reality being an illusion - a hologram - that is about to evolve out of existence.
I am not waiting for aliens to return for me. No one returns, but it might be comforting for some to see the projected illusion of what or who they believe the creator/savior is when the simulation ends.
The Alien Abduction Experience