Friday July 17, 2020
My friend Dee in San Francisco posted this pic on Facebook. She wrote: "My friend Marie Zarif got me reading my coffee granules a few years ago in Cairo where she showed me this form of divination. It's so cool! There's a lot going on in this one! When Marie first read my coffee she saw my baby Lion (Leo), and so many other aspects of what would unfold in that story."
I've read coffee grounds and tea leaves - fun but messy. In July 2004 I read a Turkish man who reads coffee grounds. He came to my home with a special coffee pot, Turkish coffee, a cup, and a saucer. He showed me how to brew the coffee and prepare the grounds. I read his coffee grounds and told him he would marry quickly and who the woman was. He met then married her six months later. He read my coffee grounds, but was too vague in what he saw. It all goes to an oracle of divination called Scrying or Pareidolia - in this case Tasseography - tea leaves or coffee grounds.
When the coffee grounds have been placed in a wide mouthed cup or turned upside down on the saucer - you turn the image in the direction that feels right to you. Look at the images as your mind connects into the grids to access information. The images can be 2D (flat) 3D or if your mind is trained - animated creating a hologram and a story connected to the client. If you can do that you understand the holographic nature of reality. Accessed information should always be written down by the other person or recorded - probably on their phone.
This is not for everyone and is subjective as two people can look at the same image and see totally different things much like a Rorschach Test. It's all in the way your brain is programmed to multitask with the consciousness grids that by now you should know create the illusion of this reality.
Back in the 1980's one of my first teachers here in Brooklyn was a psychic named Inez who used tea leaves to help her focus on the messages in her readings.
Inez was a heavyset woman in her 60s who wore a scarf on her head and looked like something out of a TV show or movie as she sat at a clothed covered table with a deck of tarot cards, a few crystals, and ingredients to do a tea leaf reading. She was very colorful having been a Vegas showgirl back in the day. She never stopped telling me how good she thought I was as a psychic and would become famous. She even took me to a store in Long Island where we found the nine-foot pyramid which was my brand for years as the Psychic in the Pyramid.
At home - or doing psychic fairs in Long Island - Inez would prepare a fresh pot of tea at the start of the day using tea grounds. When the tea cooled she kept it in a covered Tupperware container for the day.
When she read a client she would hand them a white styrofoam cup and a teaspoon. They held the cup in one hand and with the other hand would take some grounds and place them in the cup along with a tiny drop of tea. Then the client would swoosh the tea round and round, sending the grounds to all sides of the cup.
Then Inez would say, "Tap the cup" as the client turned it upside down over a plate. Next the client turned the cup right-side-up and handed it back to her.
Grounds stuck to the sides of the cup in various designs which Inez 'read'. The further down the cup the image was the longer it would take to manifest in physical reality. Images close to the top of the cup would manifest sooner.
It was easy to see that she was using her psychic abilities as well as her experience as a tea leaf reader.
My favorite form of scrying are clouds. They speak to me. They move across the sky in interesting patterns like watching a movie. Their colors vary from whites to grays to pinks. Sometimes a rainbow goes through or the sun peeks out to tell me a story. I've also found that when I'm reading someone and are drawn to the clouds there are often messages for my client. I am lucky to have a view that is all huge windows, sliding glass doors, and skylights so it's very easy to connect.
Z as Ahura Madza - Overseer of Earth - Anunnaki Sumerian Gods
Z as the Faravahar (Zoroaster). Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
The black monolith (black hole) in
Z and Ancient Aliens - What Soviet Cosmonauts saw
When you reverse Dee's pic below you get - the Black Hole of Creation
Ancient Aliens descending to Earth as depicted in Petroglyphs
The Iconic motif of the Logarithmic Spiral of Consciousness
We are almost at Zero Reverse Fibonacci. Time's up. Experiment Over.
0,1,1,2 - Fibonacci Sequence to create the illusion of Reality set in