We deal with the aftermath of the targeted killing of Iran's ruthless intelligence chief Qasem Soleimani - Trump's most dangerous gamble yet with other peoples' lives. Trump apparently wants to take out some of the worst villains in our present day scenarios while failing to understand the collateral damage caused by these actions or they would have been eliminated in the past.
There are those who defend his actions and tell me, "You don't know what's really going on behind the scenes. He knows what he's doing." I don't think anyone knows who is calling the shots for Trump, but does he understand their agenda? There are those who diligently follow him as if a savior. There are no saviors only men who think they are gods or that god sent them.
Trump's decisions and fate are taking their toll on millions of lives. Those who think he is a savior believe his will win in November by a landslide and on the flip side we find others others who think he is a destroyer. He might be both. In any event - he is destructive but that seems to be his role. Fate will out.
As most of you know we exist in a programmed experiment or simulation so it doesn't matter what happens it's all going to play out as programmed especially as things wind down. There are no elected officials who are going to fix much, as the program can't be fixed, climate change can't be stopped, the fight for freedom wages on with a vengeance, in such a way that precludes the actions of any one person.
Political games are the worst and carry over into every aspect of the human experiment. It's always about secrets and lies and trying to figure them out if you are programmed to do so. There never was, no will there ever be, a president who can resolve issues especially in end times.
I'm not a believer in love and light and all that jazz to save us. To me it's an offshoot of religion and I don't go along with religious doctrines and mythological gods who are either supposed to protect or are coming back to save us. Unfortunately end times bring out the worst of the worst because that's the bipolar algorithm in which we experience. It's never easy.
The nature of the human experiment is staged and far more quantum in its design than we can ever imagine. Once again it is based on a bipolar algorithm of conspiracies and lies and how humans handle them.
Politically 2020 is a consequently year ... a game changer ... or is it if Trump wins by a landslide because that is his destiny. To follow the comings and goings of the Democratic Party and its candidates remains tedious.
Everything political is a deception/diversion mirroring the nature of our reality. There appears to no way of getting to the "truth about the truth" which I was hoping Trump would bring by design during his term as President.
Other agendas I've blogged about over the past 25 years - climate change, the human condition, extraterrestrial influences, and more, continue to play out by the same cyclical patterns.