April 22, 2020 ~ Earth Day 50

Today is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Wikipedia - News Many Cancellations due to COVID-19

My first flowering house plant of 2020

The Day the Earth Stood Still

There are prophecies stating that if humanity can unite and clean up its act there will be peace. And yet as a programed bipolar simulation, that is self-defeating and not the algorithm of reality.

Here we are at Earth Day 2020 when all is far from well in the world and appears to be growing worse every day to an uncertain destiny.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (a.k.a. Farewell to the Master and Journey to the World) is a 1951 American black-and-white science fiction film involves a humanoid alien visitor named Klaatu (Michael Rennie) who comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful eight-foot tall robot, Gort, to deliver an important message that will affect the entire human race.

In 2008 there was a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves as Klaatu. This version replaces the Cold War theme of nuclear warfare with the contemporary issue of humankind's environmental damage to the planet. It follows Klaatu, an alien sent to try to change human behavior or eradicate humans from Earth.

Segue to 2020 where coronavirus shows us that we have a common enemy that we know little about and yet find it hard to stand united on many issues. But what if an alien invasion occurred - would the people of planet Earth unite to defend itself from a common enemy? Would Trump try to destroy the aliens with his Space Force and play the hero? Would he seek to unite with other world leaders or go off on a side plot of his own in his usual pattern of chaos? Would those who have covered up Alien intervention in the human drama come forward? Stay tuned ...

In the end reality is just a filmstrip in which we play our roles
and hope for a happy ending before everything Fades to Black.

This is the sci-fi genre I grew up with and connected
to especially after my 1954 alien encounter.

The Night Reality Stood Still

COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday April 20, 2020

Tonight I took this photo which looks like another sunset over the Verrazano Bridge. The reason I took it was not because of the view but because of a noticeable silence everywhere my consciousness could expand. It was eerily strange, surreal. No Cars. No boats. Nothing going over the bridge. I realize that things are quiet since we've been quarantined but this was different. It was as if I was in a vacuum or a bubble where I couldn't extend my consciousness into the grids or connect with Z. Is this in preparation for something?

The speed of sound in a vacuum is zero meters per second, as sound cannot travel in a vacuum. Sound is a wave, which means it spreads through the vibration of particles in a medium, such as water or air. Since a vacuum is empty space, there is no medium for the sound to travel through. ~ Google

A few hours prior, my daughter Westport, Connecticut sat in her backyard and called to tell me about experiences she is currently having. She could see herself surrounded in a bubble and sometimes can see the grids. I'm sure she's not the only one this is happening to as time and illusion collapse.