May 10, 2018 - New York City
Prior to Linda's lecture I posted AI regulation will be light, says White House -- For those who fear a takeover by robots (AI), this drama, linked to alien tech, is allegedly happening. Thought leaders like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking fear that AI could lead to the destruction of the human race. Humans are a biological experiment that is evolving out of existence as is the simulation of reality. Both Musk and Hawking believe we exist in a simulated reality.
Someone asked Linda if she thought Trump knows about human-alien agendas, passed on from president to president since 1947. She was interrupted before she could answer. Let's look at Trump the man who thrives on attention and what a monumental platform this would be for him. Though he hasn't mentioned ET yet, he wants to create another branch of the military - the Space Force. Trump must know about national and international secret protocols already in place in case of alien attack. One day he will have enough facts to will "bring it". That day we move to closure as he is programmed to expose the truth.
Other world leaders seem to be preparing humans for alien contact ... positive and negative in the projections (green screens) of reality. Slowly but surely the information is being disseminated/seeded into the human experiment.
All of the major world religions and/or myths have prophecies about the return of a Christ, a Messiah, or a Savior-type Figure. It is part of the algorithm that places this type of Creational entity in every timeline and allows people to believe in God. An alien presence is in some way anticipated in the near future to that end.
Will the Dalai Lama Join Pope Francis in Disclosing Extraterrestrial Life? Exopolitics - October 8, 2017
Pentagon ran secret multi-million dollar UFO programme BBC - December 17, 2017
There are many conspiracy theories as to alien agendas that merge science and sci-fi - science and pseudoscience - physics and metaphysics. I hate secrets but the algorithm of reality runs on them. As events play out in the simulation and things get more bizarre during grid collapse - expect all kinds of wild theories every few months ... though now it's down to every few weeks. The way you are programmed will determine how you view all of what's going on.
At that point we will understand the constructs of creation.