Xylomancy is patterns made by fallen tree limbs, branches, twigs, or other pieces of wood on the ground were interpreted during biblical times in this form of Divination.
Xylomancy by means of wood was practiced particularly in Slavonia. It is the art of reading omens from the position of small pieces of dry wood found in one's path.
No less certain presages of future events may be drawn from the arrangement of logs in the fire-place, from the manner in which they burn, etc. It is perhaps the survival of this mode of divination which makes the good people say, when a brand is disturbed, that "they are going to have a visitor."
Other forms of divination related to xylomancy are dendromancy and tephramancy (divination by the ashes of a burned tree trunk). Undoubtedly every type of tree divination has its origins in the primitive practice of tree worship, the earliest form of religion.