Halloween 2000

Please enter my home where any day can be filled with the magc of Halloween. It is my House of Many Mansions. We begin at the Ground Floor Level 3 [third dimension]. Are you be able to recognize reality from illusion at this level? It's all about magic, tricks, the games of the trickster, emotions, linear time, and the All Seeing Eye in the flame of creation.

Let's look at your issues.

Are you haunted by something or someone from your past?

Are you haunted by bad dreams?

Heal and release those feelings now or they will haunt you forever!

Do you have any 'skeletons in your closet'?
It's time to let them go.

Perhaps you have unfinished business with someone on the other side?

Close your eyes - if your dare.

See the spirit in your mind - or confront them in the place it haunts you.

Accept forgiveness or ask to be forgiven for that which troubles you.

Release the spirit and send it into thelight.

You will feel better and be able to move on.

Looking to ascend into your light body?
to fly away and be free?
to release your demons?

to be One with the Flame of Creation?

You must first create balance in your life and let go of the physical.

Is there a part of your personality that holds you back,
robbing you of your freedom and ego strength?

As you sit at your computer - visualize that situation,
then place your finger on your DELETE KEY and get rid of it forever!

Feeling Grim? Depressed?

Please get professional help!

Planet Earth may have too many challenges for you at this time!

Are you unable to see Spirits? No?

You may be using the wrong eyes.

Try closing your physical eyes then watching the
screen in your mind that is just behind them.

Is someone around you always 'stirring the pot'?

Move away from that person or your energies will get depleted!

Do you feel that someone has put a 'spell' on you, causing endless problems in your life, especially in finding love? this may or may not be the case. If you live in a clture where people cast spells and work in the occult in this way, you may tend to blame the tjings that go wrong on your life as a crse, in tis lifetime or another.

What you can do ::

Spell can be reversed and sent back to their creator.

Spirit guides - those of higher frequency can negate the energies and protect you, if you ask them.

Visualize white light around you and you will be protected.

We each have a grid matrix around us that creates the illusion of our physical form. You can learn to adjust your matrix - bringing it into higher frequency where the lower frequency emotion - your occult happens - cannot affect you.

Is your life going in circles?

Do you feel like you are going nowhere?

Take some time for yourself to see what your soul really wants at this time of transition.
What you have wanted in the past, may not work in the present as we move into the 20th century.


Magic Day, Samhain, All Saints Day, Druids
Religious Viewoints, Costumes, Symbols, Visualization


Ezekiel, Elhoim, Superstitions, Ellie, Noah, Reptilian Gods
Eye of Newt - Salamanders, Magic, Alchemy, Phoenix
Eye of Nuit - Egyptian Sky Goddess
Magic and Mystery - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Chateau de Chambord, Nostradamus
Jupiter in Scorpio
Sara's Spiraling Photo - Dragon


Return to Standard Time - 212 - 2012 - Balance
Election Day - Masonic Program - 33


Flying With Ellie


The 12 Days of Magic


After 2001 - Psychic at an Event in Manhattan - Blue/Full Moon











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