This evening I begin my long awaited journey to Egypt, traveling with Irene, a client and friend for five years. She is 38, married, has two children, works as a computer programmer, lives in New Jersey, and enjoys energy work and healing.
For weeks Z had been showing me the image of a pocket watch that I needed for the journey. It doesn't have a cover - features a blue face, with gold numerals and a gold rim around the edges. It also depicts the date, and had has a chain. I decided to let Z bring me the pocketwatch, as I had no time to shop for something that specific.
This morning I stopped to pick up some last minute toiletries in a store called Rockbottom on 86th street in Brooklyn. Rockbottom is similar to Walgreens or Rite Aid.
While in Rockbottom, Z kept insisting that the watch was there and I would find it. I looked around the store and didn't see it as I continued on.
At last I gave up and got on the check-out line. There are 6 check-out lines in the store. As it was only 9 AM, only the first register was open. I got on line behind several other people. Just as I got on line, a girl opened register #6 and called me over to her register. I was surprised she called me as they usually call the next person in line.
I walked over to her register, and started to put my things on the counter, as she rang them up. Suddenly Z yelled, "Look to the right!" I looked up and to my surprise a sales girl was filling a tall glass showcase with various watches.
I told her to stop the carousel display and, much to my surprise there was a blue faced watch with gold numerals, etc, just as Z had described. My heart raced as I asked the sales girl to remove the timepiece and the cashier to STOP as she was about to 'ring up' my traveling clock. They must have thought I was crazy! The blue faced watch was just as Z had described it. As you know I love watches and clocks, this one was perfect.
7:00 pm, Kennedy Airport, NYC, TWA Flight 888
The flight from NYC to Cairo, is approximately 11 hours, and is a red-eye.
As many people are afraid to travel to the Middle East these days, the plane was mostly empty. Throughout the journey, I never worried about my safety. Always there was the presence of spirit and Z.
After take-off we learned that we would be staying in Egypt during the holiday
There were only 15 passengers with us in coach, and 2 in first class. I wondered how the airline could make any money with so few passengers. I assumed the plane was returning to Cairo to bring people to the US rather than to Egypt. My assumption was correct as we had a full flight coming home.
With so few people on the plane, we could sit anywhere, using pillows and blankets, across the center seats to make beds. It wasn't too uncomfortable. Actually I slept for 9 hours.
I opened my eyes to find a friend from the spirit world named Inez, who had died in their early 1990's.
Before me on the beige overhead, I saw 5 round blue lights. I looked to see if anyone else was up and had noticed the lights but they were all asleep. The lights remained for some time as Inez began to talk to me.
Inez was a Brooklyn psychic whose signature art of divination was tea leaves, teaching me everything I know about it.
It was Inez who took me to buy my 9-foot pyramid back in 1987, when I first started connecting with the world of metaphysics. One a summer day, we drove to Long Island to a Metaphysical Book Shop owned by a man named Mitch. Mitch knew Inez through the many Long Island Psychic Fairs she had attended as a psychic reader, a place he went most weekends to sell books, and I group of people I would soon become part of. This group had one young man who would go on to be rich and famous - John Edward, a sweet teenager in the day.
Hidden behind cartons of books, and other metaphysical things, in the basement of the store, Mitch pulled out a tall carton. He explained that it contained a dissembled 9-foot pyramid stored in his basement for some time after no one wanted to buy it. Somehow he and Inez felt it belonged to me. Whatever would I do with it? I wondered.
But Inez insisted I buy the pyramid, bargaining the price with Mitch to $100.
Inez also told me that I needed to buy the book The Keys of Enoch which would take me years to understand along with sacred geometry.
And so I made two purchases that day, neither one making sense to me at the time.
A week later, Inez called to tell me that I should bring the pyramid to a psychic fair, set it up and do psychic readings in it. I thought she was crazy, but allowed her to talk me into it as something stirred in my soul.
I had never read at a psychic fair and didn't know what to say or do. Inez's friend, Sue, who ran the fair, gave me some pointers, knowing Z would guide the rest. I had no cards or other psychic tools, just my ability to talk to spirits. Once I started, I was totally at home, the pyramid acting as a catalyst for other lifetimes and experiences that would take me on a sacred journey beginning in 1989 and continuing until the end.
Inez came over to me some time that afternoon and told me that when I was reading in the pyramid, I was at home, like a Queen of the Pyramids. We both laughed as we weren't sure why she said it. I'm still not sure, must be the connection to the work I did in the Great Pyramid and the feminine energies. I went on to become the '"Psychic in the "Pyramid' and attracted more business than anyone else as I went to weekly psychic fairs in Brooklyn, Long Island, and Manhattan. I also used the pyramid for a closing meditation at the end of each of my TV shows, The Metaphysical Experience, and for classes and lectures.
On the flight over, who should come to me in spirit, but Inez, a forceful presence who had died in the 1990's. The first thing she said was, "The spirits of Egypt welcome you home. Now you will understand your true connection to the pyramids." Inez collected Tarot Decks and had the most extensive collection I have ever seen, rare and beautiful decks. On the plane she showed me the Death Card - a symbol of transformation. Inez spoke of my return to the ancient pyramids and the importance of my work there. She spoke about a bloodline that carried a specific seed, DNA that would trigger when the time was right bringing this bloodline home.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Irene laughed as she down in seat, 36J. Thirty-six is a number linked to my work and sacred geometry.
As the plane taxied down the runway, Irene looked out her window. She saw a 'sign' on the ground with the letter 'Z' and an arrow pointing upward next to it. We laughed as that was such an interesting symbol for Z to point out to her. If you're ever at Kennedy Airport, please look for it!
The next thing I knew, it was 6:00 am EST time, and someone was saying, "Wake up Ellie!"
Souls came to this land to experience in the alchemy of time and consciousness. Their energies spiraled from above to below guided by those who would create, teach, and watch. The time would come, out of the blue, when all would return to consciousness and light after a sacred journey.