Music Box, Twin Bridges, Twin Rainbows

The Music Box Played - 12 Years Later

After posting my column this morning I went into the the kitchen. From the living room I suddenly heard the music box playing. It has been a long time since I have heard the physical tones of the Music Box one of the key symbols in my book Sarah and Alexander. These musical tones seem to have no place of origin in the physical. To me they represent the harmonics of creation that make themselves known to me from time to time. Friends and clients have heard the tones in my home. On this day, as I heard the tones, I walked into the living room and listened as I looked out over the Verrazano Bridge. The tones played for approximately 3 minutes, the cables of the bridge seeminlgy chords and the sides of the bridge giant tuning forks.

I felt the energies of the tones when I first heard them at Christmas 1989 after the spirit of a young boy named Alexander came to me psychically and I wrote the first draft of Sarah and Alexander. Now exactly 12 years later, Christmas 2001, the same tones were playing.

Journey to Long Island

Still on a cosmic high, I set off for my day with Leslie, spending time in the waterfront home of an old and dear friend, Leslie, who is an artist and pianist.

In 1989 when Alexander first came to me and the music box played, he showed me an old wooden footbridge that 7 year old Sarah crosses as a child to meet Alexander, a boy of the same age.

As I arrived at Leslie's house, I noticed a footbridge off to one side, another Sarah and Alexander synchronicity! Leslie and I noticed that the lillies in the small pond below the bridge had buds ... in December!? Must be part of global warming.

During my visit I channeled several deceased souls for Leslie. She had unsuccessfully been trying to get an appointment with John Edward but was unsuccessful. She was amazed at the information I brought. Leslie mentioned the tragic and suspicious death of someone she was friends with, on December 2, 2000. She explained that exactly one year later, December 2, 2001, a dead bird was embedded in the front grill of her car. Spirit left a message for us and we channeled about it. She did not realize that birds mean ascension.

Leslie and I later went to her computer so I could show her the file on Rainbow Twins and the link with the fall of the Twin Towers. We sat in her studio, overlooking the glistening water and the two bridges in the background that looked like the backdrop of a canvas. They are the Throngs Neck and the Whitestone Bridges! They resembled Twin Bridges - one behind the other from our perspective.

The energies were very high and I could feel something brewing as I set out on my journey home. It was 4 pm as I drove along the Belt Parkway heading west to Brooklyn. The sky was clear with just a few clouds which I watched as Z likes to send me messages in the clouds. We were about an hour away from sundown.

The traffic slowed as we passed the exit for Coney Island ... Coney 12 cones of creation Eyeland, the area where I lived the first 12 years of my life.

A beautiful rainbow riveted my attention as if hung over Coney Island. This was unusal as it hadn't rained for days. About 5 minutes later as I approached my exit, I noted a second rainbow next to the first one - twin rainbows. Now they both appeared to be arched over the Verrazano Bridge.

About Music Boxes

It resonates that music (harmonics) would be linked with Time (clocks).

Myth has it that the first music box was designed for the amusement and entertainment of Marie Antoinette. History, on the other hand, reveals the availability of musical clocks constructed in the 16th century for royalty and the wealthy. The musical tones were derived by notching a revolving disc striking a single pin.

The music box proper was introduced by Antoine Favre, a Swiss watchmaker, in 1796, enabling the middle class to dance and enjoy the popular music of the period in the privacy of their homes. The latter half of the 19th century rewarded the world with the enchanting melodies of the disc player, the predecessor of the contemporary phonograph, tapes and discs. These instruments were not only produced in Europe, but had great success by American manufacturers.

The music box proper was introduced by Antoine Favre, a Swiss watchmaker, in 1796, enabling the middle class to dance and enjoy the popular music of the period in the privacy of their homes. The latter half of the 19th century rewarded the world with the enchanting melodies of the disc player, the predecessor of the contemporary phonograph, tapes and discs. These instruments were not only produced in Europe, but had great success by American manufacturers.

Today, Reuge of St. Croix, Switzerland, is the only musical element manufacturer of consequence in Europe. No musical movements are currently developed in the United States.

Prior to World War II, the Japanese, not to be outdone, had developed exquisite clocks enriched with intricate musicals of their own design.

In 1947, Rokuichi Yamada founded Sankyo Manufacturing Company, and imitating the Swiss, became the most prominent supplier of musicals in the east, rivaling the sound and quality of the best in Switzerland. The Music Box Museum






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