The Nature of Humanity and Society are Changing

2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic

Monday March 30, 2020

We start another week with the smell of antiseptic washing over us as coronavirus reaches almost every part of the world.

Among the things we will remember from this experience is social distancing and sequestering at home - as the statistics for cases reported and number of deaths grow especially here in New York City which has now become the epicenter for the spread of the pandemic in the US.

I'm sure there are many people out there who have had or have coronavirus and never knew it just thinking it's another virus, staying home and letting it run its course as the survival rate is high.

Like any other event in the dualism of reality - we have people doing extraordinary things during the coronavirus pandemic. You see their heroic acts every day on the news - if you still watch the news.

On the other hand we have those who would take advantage and lie to us for personal gain so be careful. Don't involve financially with anyone especially if you're a senior.

The political and economic landscapes are just as turbulent as ever. The stock market rivets up and down with the awareness that it could completely tumble and fall the van is not in the forecast. People are just trying to keep it together in hopes that this nightmare goes away. The federal government has acted sporadically under Donald Trump who continually lies his way through every situation.

Clients and others have emailed about how they have reconnected with family and dealt with coronavirus. Many have decided to make life changes once we come out on the other side of this experience.

Some have awakened to the nature of reality as a simulation and understand how fragile life is and should be enjoyed while we can. It's always about programming.

Trying to Figure Out The Purpose of Coronavirus

Friday April 3, 2020

When coronavirus first arrived in the United States people came to me and said I had predicted this through the years. I wasn't sure what they were talking about because I had never heard of coronavirus. Then I realized the pandemic I had seen coming was ebola which is almost always fatal and definitely has to do with population control. That was many years ago during one of the ebola outbreaks in Africa.. Maybe ebola was supposed to take us out but something changed. It's all about end times which is coming into focus for millions of people now. Move passed fear and let it play out along with earthquakes. I'm sure I don't have to add that we are not ascending to another dimension, reality, level, or whatever metaphysicians talk about.

Saturday April 4, 2020

I just watched the latest statistics on the number of people who have died across the world which would align with my theory of ebola not coronavirus to cull global civilizations. It is sad that people have died, many are sick and suffering, but most are recovering so let's look at this from another angle. There's always a method to the madness. Could coronavirus have to do with people being quarantined indoors to reexamine reality because something else is going on to which we are unaware - like an experiment within our experiment in emotions? Coronavirus is an insert in the simulation which leaves reality forever changed on the other side.

In movies about pandemics the cure is already in place and you know it will be available by the end so you just sit back and allow the characters to figure it out. Same here. I don't like to waste my time and energy investigating the truth about things over which I have no control because there are too many layers, conspiracies, and lies overlapping into politics and economics. Just as with endless conspiracy theories, I'm not going to try to figure out the purpose of coronavirus. As all is pre-programmed - I'm watching it play out.

Wake me when they call the ALL CLEAR. The same for the election in November.

Conspiracy Chatter

Every day conspiracy theories abound especially those connected to "Q" or QAnon and others that people piece together and create as their own - most likely out of boredom or because they just want to solve the mystery of this. Not my thing. Who was Q on Star Trek? He was a trickster creator God. April Fools' Day is about the trickster.

The malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine + azythromax to treat the disease works from initial clinical reports and has been approved by the FDA. We've seen actors recover, videos about its effectiveness, France reporting success. That could happen here in the US. Side effects?

Online chatter.... My opinions are in (parenthesis )

1. This will not last long.
(It will taper off slowly but is far from over.)

2. In the next 10 to 14 days coronavirus will peak in the US
(That depends on where you live.)

3. Sporadic Internet and phone outages are expected. If this happens, you may get alerts on your phone.

4. As I have blogged before - much of the conspiracy theories are in place to make Trump appear as the hero who saves the world and wins reelection by a landslide as people have been predicting for months. My oh my ... someone has propped him up like the stock market but as you know all can and will come tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty.