In the 1980's I taught Special Education in High School in Brooklyn, NY. The groups I taught had various learning challenges but were basically good students. One of the students was a boy named Patrick Ager who aspired to be an artist. In June 1989 - the last day of class for the semester - 18 year old Patrick - asked me if he could draw a picture of how he saw me. I agreed. Forty minutes later the bell rang sounding the end of the lesson!
I will never forget his words, "Miss Crystal, this is you. I am not sure why I drew the beard and mustache. I hope you are not offended. This is who you truly are and where you have to go one day."
I put the picture away, finding it again on July 2, 2000. There is a reason for all things.
Ellie's Blue Photos - July 1988
Ellie's Journey to Egypt - December 2000