Remembering the End

June 2009

New York City has definitely had its share of rain this spring. I love lightning storms and on some level feel connected to them. If I'm lucky, I hear the ethereal tones of a music box physically playing in my home as the lightning cascades across the sky, the panoramic view from my apartment enhancing the experience much like watching a film in IMAX. Through the years, anyone who has heard the music play here - was unable to determine its point of origin.

Tuesday morning something happened. I started my daily blog, as I always do, around 6:30. The sky was overcast, the sounds of foghorns heard as ships moved under the Verrazano Bridge just outside my home, on their journey in and out of New York Harbor.

Suddenly, around 8:00 ... the sky slowly ... very slowly ... faded to black as if a scene in a film. ... And when day turned to night ... a memory flashed in my mind ... this is how the program ends.

In that instant, my entire body, mind, and soul reacted instinctively as I ran to the living room window facing the bridge ... not sure why I knew I had to be there, but that was where I had to go.

Was the program closing?

Not yet, my soul echoed back.

As I stood there anxiously waiting in the darkness, in my mind's eye, everything feel away simultaneously, including the bridge, the sky, the trees and other things in the park, but most of all, Ellie Crystal was also gone. All that remained was my soul as it moved into the void.

There was no feeling of fear ... actually, as I think about it, there was no emotional attachment at all ... just a sense of having experienced here and moving (back) to something else.

These words echoed in my soul as I moved away, "That was an interesting experience."

A few minutes later day returned. I had remembered the end. Everything turns black and fades out of existence ... my soul moving into the darkness of creation at the end of this program. That which created the illusion of all that was in my physical reality, would no longer exist.

A quick glance at Z told me it was he who had orchestrated this event to see if I remembered ... and I did. (smiles)

As the days passed, I asked neighbors, or people I meet in the area, if they experienced day turning to night. They all did, though no one had a meaningful explanation.

Fade to Black

If you follow my blogs you know that at the End of Time (Illusion, Experiment in Reality) - everything Fades to Black. It's an idiom I've used since I started Crystalinks in 1995 with stepped up references after Simulation Theory entered the grids of reality in which we experience.

The point is ... The algorithm of reality is winding down to Zero or Reverse Fibonacci - and in so doing Fades to Black - evaporates, disappears, dissipates - whatever term works for you. At Zero all and everything is gone. To quote Star Trek ... Computer End Program - the program in this case being reality.

In the film industry Fade to Black is a reference to turning off the camera light at the end of a scene. We are indeed, projected illusion in a film which is only as real as observers experience it through consciousness.

Wild Study Shows Everything in The Universe Will Eventually Evaporate
  Science Alert - June 2, 2023

According to a famous theory by Stephen Hawking, black holes evaporate over time, gradually losing mass in the form of a strange kind of radiation as the event horizon plays havoc with surrounding quantum fields. But it turns out that the dramatic cliff of an event horizon may not be as critical to this process after all.

According to new research by astrophysicists in the Netherlands, a steep enough slope in the curvature of space-time could do the same thing. This means Hawking radiation, or something very similar to it, may not be limited to black holes. It could be everywhere, meaning that the Universe is very slowly evaporating before our very eyes.

Simulation Theory