Planet Earth has many unexplained hums, such as the Taos Hum, created by various physical factors. There are those who will put a metaphysical connotation to their cause, such as UFO's etc., but none of that is true. With Earth changes accelerating, we will hear many unexplained noises (hums) in the future. They are annoying and may be precursors of something serious below the ground that will surface in the years ahead, such as the movement of the tectonic plates before an earthquake. I live in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, where residents in certain sections are experiencing the ....
Annoying noise real hum-dinger - NY Daily News, March 23, 2006
Ear-itated Bay Ridge residents are struggling to name that tone, a round-the-clock humming noise they say is depriving them of sleep. The noise, compared to the roar of an engine and the honk of a fog horn, has been blowing in from near the Bay Ridge Channel for nearly a year, but nobody has been able to pinpoint its source.
"The problem is it's constant, 24 hours a day," said Dr. Concetta Butera, a chiropractor who lives on Colonial Road. "It's messed up my life really badly." For Butera, who has lived in her sixth-floor apartment for 18 years, the sound is more than just a nuisance. Besides spending the night at her office, she has sunk more than $2,000 into muffling the noise. Late last year, Butera installed soundproof windows, invested in a sound machine and even hired an acoustical consultant, who failed to determine where the sound was coming from but suggested a fan outside her building.
A music teacher who lives several blocks away on Wakeman Place, said the sound reaches her home, too. "It's such a low tone that I can feel it in my body," said Majurinen, adding the noise has kept her awake at night. " here's train yards down there, so I thought it could be a locomotive," she said, "but then you would've heard the squeal of the wheels, too, so it's not the trains. To me it's a mystery. I have no clue."
The prime suspect so far is the Owls Head Water Pollution Control Plant, a sewage plant known more for the putrid smells it emits than for any noise. But city Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Ian Michaels said a noise inspection unit investigated several times and found the plant innocent ."We have found no evidence that the noise is coming from the treatment plant," said Michaels, who said inspectors scoured the neighborhood, the treatment plant and the Brooklyn Army Terminal, but found no clues."
One theory is it may be coming from these large cargo ships just off the shore," said Michaels. But Butera, who has written letters to local elected officials and Community Board 10, said she isn't convinced. In fact, she pines for the days when the only thing the plant emitted was a foul odor." At least with the smell, you can shut your window," said Butera. "But this noise? It's penetrating the whole apartment, the whole house, everything."
Friday March 31, 2006 - I read a client named Cynthia, 23, from my area when we heard the Bay Ridge Hum forcing us to pause. Stepping out on the terrace, we heard the hum loud and clear, its origins not determined from where we stood. "I think it's a resonance may have something to do with the Verrazano Bridge," Cynthia said, surveying the area.
Wednesday May 17, 2006, 8:10 PM --A reporter from the New York Sun contacted me about the Bay Ridge Hum, after finding the column I posted above and making a survey about the hum with local residents. It's something mechanical.
I live in Bay Ridge on the water at 4th Ave. and 101st Street. Monday morning, on 4th Ave. and 73 Street, a 12-foot-wide sinkhole opened, after a water main break, making national headlines.
Sinkholes are popping up everywhere due to climates change. A sinkhole is a depression or hole in the ground caused by some form of collapse of the surface layer. They vary in size and form from soil-lined bowls to bedrock-edged chasms, forming gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide. Massive sinkholes continue to headline the news, swallowing people, cars, homes and even a resort. In recent years several massive sinkholes happened here in Brooklyn.
Sinking Feeling - NY Post, March 29, 2006
A Florida woman whose car plunged into a gaping Brooklyn sinkhole on Monday remains hospitalized "in excruciating pain." "I'm just glad to be alive," a heavily sedated Nancy Batista, 46, of Kissimmee, Fla., told The Post from her bed at Lutheran Hospital in Brooklyn, where she's being treated for cuts and bruises. "I can't move. I'm in a lot of pain . . . They're running a battery of tests," she said, speaking in a weak whisper. "It was a nightmare," she said of the cavernous hole that almost swallowed her SUV as she turned onto 73rd Street from Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge. "I was just driving and all of a sudden the road caved in. Oh my God, I freaked out," she said, adding, "I drove all the way here from Florida and then this happened. I thought I was going to die."
She credited two anonymous good Samaritans with pulling her to safety from her SUV, which was stopped from plunging deeper into the 20-foot sinkhole by an 18-inch gas main. "All I saw were the two guys yelling to open the door. I tried but I couldn't and the car kept slipping down. "They bent the door and opened it. I had enough space to come out. They grabbed me and pulled me out. They were fast thinking and they were quick. "They're my little angels. God sent them to help me. If it wasn't for them, who knows where I'd be," said Batista who had been driving to meet friends in Queens.
She said she wanted to find her rescuers and thank them. All she knows about the two, she said, is that one was a sergeant in the military who held her in his arms until an ambulance arrived. Her sister, Maggie Nieves, of Harlem, said Batista was afraid she'd fall into the abyss beneath her car if she tried to get out on her own.
The cave-in caused service on the R subway line between 36th and 95th streets in Brooklyn to be suspended most of Monday. NYC Transit officials said work crews filled more than 3,000 bags with mud and debris. Service was restored in time for yesterday's morning rush hour. Damage to Fourth Avenue was extensive, said Ian Michaels, a spokesman for the city Department of Environmental Protection. "It's unlikely that the only part of the roadway that was damaged was that car-shaped hole," he said. Fourth Avenue was closed to traffic and officials said it was not known when it would reopen.