Atlantis was a now-deleted insert in the simulation (matrix) of reality
Theory: Atlanteans were projections created by the simulation. They were tall, thin, ethereal beings who could take on different forms. They came to seed the human race as part of an experiment monitoring and adjusting human evolution until the end of the human bio-genetic experiment.
'Atlantis Rising' could refer to Atlantis as one or more UFOs rising at the end of a simulation.
'Atlantis Rising' refers to the rise of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the end.
Ancient Writers Spoke Of A Mysterious Metal Called Orichalcum Linked To City Of Atlantis IFL Science - January 8, 2025
Orichalcum’s name is derived from the Greek for "mountain copper.” One of its most prominent mentions comes in the legend of Atlantis by Plato, in which it is described as more precious than anything except gold. The dialogue, called Critias, explains how the mythical citadel of Atlantis was adorned with walls, pillars, and floors that were coated in orichalcum, endowing the building with a flash of red light.
Often said to possess a reddish hue, there were many hints that orichalcum might be a form of brass - an alloy of copper and zinc - although its precise identity wasn’t revealed until several breakthroughs in modern science and archaeology.
In 2014, a diver discovered 40 ingots of an alloy metal in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of the ancient Greek town of Gela in modern-day Sicily. Further surveys by the local authorities in 2016 revealed another 47 ingots just 10 meters (~33 feet) away from the first discovery. It was evident the two caches of ingots were from the same shipwreck that sunk to the seabed around 2,500 years ago. The skinny metal bars were found to be a copper-zinc alloy, suggesting they were a bundle of ancient orichalcum. In a strict sense, the term orichalcum should be understood to refer not to a single alloy but to a class of alloys that contained copper and zinc as principal components.
The Atlantis ring is a work of sacred geometry bringing us to reality as a simulation based on an algorithmic design. To create such a ring one would need a metal not from Earth - perhaps from a meteor or crashed UFO. It would consist of three separate rings rotated as needed. ~ Ellie
In 1860, a well-known French Egyptologist Marquis d'Argain discovered a strange looking ring in the excavations of the Valley of the Kings in Egypt that he believe came from Atlantis.
Another famous Egyptologist, Arnold de Belizal, inherited the ring and found it emits electromagnetic waves capable of creating energy fields which work as a some kind of force of energy. De Belizal found that the ring's metal and design - 2 triangles, 3 long lines and 6 short lines - created a subtle energy field of powerful electromagnetic waves which acted as a protective force field or enhanced the wearer's psychic abilities.
British archeologist Howard Carter later wore the ring - also believing in its protective properties thus allowing him to survive investigating the grave of Tutankhamun - wherein others died.