Al and the Cube

Today I read 5 clients whose first names began with 'Al' - the most interesting name being Alyxx. They each came alone - both men and women.

That day I was asked to do an interview for a Magazine in India - by a woman named Alka - who will be calling me next week.

That day my daughter, Nikki, sent me the Sci-Fi video of a bizarre film called 'The Cube'. Talk about being In The Box.

There were several triggers for me in the movie - one with the name Al.

1. The names Alexandra and Sasha - were names used by the female character who created the quantum cube in which several people must find their way out. It is curious that her character mentioned that those names mean the same thing as my book is called 'Sarah and Alexander'. Am I being shown that they are one and the same?

2. The clues to finding out about the ending of the program or game were a digital code which was everywhere - 60659. There were lots of watches with the same times on them. It wasn't difficult to figure out the the numbers were linked to TIME for a shutdown - the souls just having to figure that out as reality got more and more weird - 6:05:59 seconds

3. The graphics also triggered for me - showing the cube morphing into grids then into the hourglass - then a cube within a cube within a cube.

4. The story describes reality as a computer game - having endless parallel realities.

5. The movie ended with one women who had been trapped In the Cube - escaping and waking up in an endless pool of water - metaphor for collective continuum.

Government types waited to hear about her experiences In the Cube. It was as if she had gone into the Cube to figure out about the game and to retrieve something - which she did. After she gave them the information - they shot her.

It is all just a performance - a drama - if you will.