Last updated: Saturday August 5, 2000 Total accesses for Friday August 4, 2000 112,804
From Friday: It's for the Birds . . .

Rome may have its pigeons but I have my sparrow - or at least I did . . .

As I was about to post about my Roman Holiday - the voices of Italian men filled by ears - literally.

I suddenly looked up and was startled to see an Italian 'hunk' lowering swinging onto to my terrace from the roof above!

"Oh dear! . . . I must be creating too many stories for Ellie's World 2000!" I reasoned.

Was I turning into Ally McBeal? (Gulp).

What a Roman statue he would make . . .!!

The man smiled at me and walked across the terrace to the far corner where the terrace turns to face the adjacent street and park.

In front of the rope moved upward carrying all kinds of tools as the sounds of other Italian men could be heard from above and below.

As is above - so is below???

I walked out onto the terrace.

My handsome hunk was a construction worker - (with a great bod, girls) - who was here to close a hole in the overhead - the home of my little sparrows.

He didn't talk English - but I shouted at him in English to be sure the 'sparrow family' had vacated the premises before he and his crew did anything more.

He smiled and understood - or he was just flirting. Did he know I can read minds??

Update: The construction workers did a great job and the sparrows took up residence in the tree across in the park. It's not as private as their last place - not to mention the spirits that 'flew in' and protected them . . . but I trust that they will be OK.

Ciao . . .

From Thursday: Roman Holiday

Here I am . . . enjoying in the beauty and energies of ancient Rome!

(I'm also hard at work researching the files on Ancient Rome.

The files are shaping up lest we forget - 'Rome wasn't built in a day'.

Doing a bit of sightseeing.

I went to the Roman Colosseum which is an amphitheater - an outdoor theater in the round.

The gladitors fought here. I could still here the shouts of the audience and the cries of the men - talk about a haunted place filled with 'layers' of spirits trapped between dimensions . . . I released those who wished to move on. As usually there are tjose who are afraid to leave or are stuck in space-time and still exist in the timeline of ancient Rome.

The merging of realities makes it harder after the gates are open for souls to: return to source - to merge with other aspects of themselves - to have a sense of identity. Many are trapped in other timelines - not just in other dimensions of our 'reality'. Things are very different out there . . .

I moved on to Circus Maximus . . .

The Circus Maximus was another public entertainment center, and was just a single, specific facility in Rome. The Maximus was used mostly for chariot racing. It could seat 250,000 people!

I stopped to watch a chariot race and decided that women had a right to compete with men.

So I grabbed a chariot and ran that race. We were neck and neck until at the last second . . .

Alas my trusty horse (the one I see in meditation, who rides alone and is free) made me a winner - (The Return of the feminine energies).

This was not met favorably by the patriarchical members of Ancient Roman Society.

I had to make a hasty exit . . . as I climbed upon my trusty mount and rode off into my next adventure.

Trigger Image For Today - Manifesting a Wish This is the famous The Trevi fountain. It was built by the architect Salvi in 1735 and decorated by several artists of Bernini's school. It is the front of a large palace decorated with statues and bas-reliefs on heaps of rocks. The fountain is not only celebrated for its excellent water but for the legend that whoever throws a coin in the fountain will return to Rome. Today you are going to use the energies of the fountain . . . and the Roman Gods within it . . . to make 3 wishes . . . Think carefully before each wish . . . Remember that which you wish for . . . might just happen. Before you toss the first coin . . . see your wish fully manifested and comfortable for your soul. Here is your first coin . . . Now close your eyes if you chose. . . Toss your first coin. Here is your second coin . . . Here is your third and last coin . . . Now you wait. Your wishes will manifest if they are in balance with your soul's needs.
From Wednesday: Roma - Di Vinci - Creation

After my trip with the Vikings yesterday . . . I decided to explore my neighborhood . . .

A walk along the explanade - again watching the ships pass under the water as the sun set over the Statue of Liberty.

I walked to a sidewalk cafe just across from my home

and reflected on my work here with Z.

This is an Italian neighborhood - so square pizza was the order of the day. Other delights include various forms of pizza that you couldn't imagine, Spinach Rolls, Broccoli Rolls, many pasta dishes, fresh baked bread, sea food, and Italian pasteries for desert! (Yum)

My day had been perfect.

I have good news to share.

My daughter Nikki (youngest daughter - Manhattan and Rhode Island) and her boyfriend Ryan, became engaged this weekend.

I am so thrilled.

Zsia (middle daughter in NJ - Michael's mommy) and Jon found out yesterday that the new baby will be a boy - due for Christmas! They wanted two boys and they are thrilled.

Tracy (oldest daughter in Az.) and Gino expect their first baby (boy) in three weeks.

Creation - births - the new universal cycle beginning in September with many good things in my life. I hope this is true in yours.

I left the cafe and came back to Mac to answer Email. Old friends and clients returning from all corners of the planet.

I am now moving on to my Roman files as we wind down our European adventures.

Did you know that the Romans had a God for just about everything? I believe there are over 30 dieties all told.

Trigger Image For Today - Creation Leonardo Di Vinci was a famous Italian artist who understood the Geometry of Creation. Please study the image to see how it links with . . . Creation . . . Tree of Life . . . The Merkaba . . . Rotation and Spin . . . Other . . . Close your eyes and allow the image to process in your thoughts. Mentally ask, "What is this suppose to tell me about Creation?" What do you 'hear'? What images do you see? Try to animate the images . . . Ask again, "What is my part in this Creational picture?" What do yoy see? Hear? Rotate the image of the Man? What happens to him? Which way dod you rotate the image? Clockwise? Counterclockwise?