11:11 - 12:12


Last updated: Sunday November 12, 2000 9:00 Morning EST Total accesses for Saturday November 11, 2000 158,669

  • Nuturing Your Inner Child - 11:11 thru 12:12
  • The Energies from 11:11 thru 12:12
  • 11:11 Full Moon Stargate Meditation
    Return to the security and comfort of the womb. Don't be afraid! To be loved - please project positive energy. If you send love - it will be returned to you. Love will heal your inner child [Emotional body]. Wrap your inner child in a 'security blanket' so you will always feel safe. No matter how tough you may appear - please remember the gentleness of your inner child. Your Inner Child
  • 11:11

    11:11 are trigger numbers to help awaken your memories of who you truly are - stripped away from the illusions of third dimensional frequencies.

    From 11:11 thru 12:12 - things are going to shift in a big way!

    Expect your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental bodies to be awakened - your old issues addressed in ways that will shake the core of your very being.

    This will begin to peek on December 7 & 8th - and continue through December 12th!

    Have you ever noticed how many times you have looked at a digital clock and seen 11:11?

    During the past few years, many of us have seen this number far too often to be coincidence.

    Metaphysical author Solara has described 11:11 as an inter-dimensional synchronization frequency.

    Interestingly - 11:11 is also found in the Great Pyramid.

    The main numerical factor in the entire Giza complex is the prime number 11. (A prime number is divisible only by itself and 1. Examples are 5, 7, and 11. Non-prime numbers are divisible by numbers other than themselves, with whole-number answers. For example, 12 can be divided by 2, 3, 4 and 6.)

    The height to base ratio of the Great Pyramid is 7:11.

    The slope ratio of its sides is 14:11.

    Most importantly, the slope ratio of the southern shaft of the King's Chamber - the shaft that was targeted on Orion's Belt circa 2500 b.c. - is 11:11 (tangent 45 degrees).

    Bauval and Hancock have concluded that this could be a mathematical key to the stargate in Orion's belt.

    The number 11:11, then, seems to be a key harmonic to access the doorway to the Father Universes, which are catalyzing the dimensional shift.

    Eleven has been called the harmonic of the doorway of ascension, the portal beyond the physical.

    The repetition of this number symbolizes the resolution of duality through perfect balance and symmetry, or the underlying unity principle 1, as expressed in all of creation that is polar or dual.

    Past/future, male/female, light/dark - all polarities harmonized and balanced: this is what occurs during ascension, the next step beyond the dimensional shift.

    Find a quiet place free of distractions. Adjust the lighting and room temperature. Adjust clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses. Sit down or lie down. Find a position that is comfortable for you. Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts. Close your eyes Relax your body . . . Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing. Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed. Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace. Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go. Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed. Focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Retain the breath as long as is comfortable. Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely. Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable. The Great Pyramid is just before you. You look at its massive size. Feel the energies as they enter your body. Relax. Take another long deep breath. Begin to climb the pyramid slowly until at last you reach the top. Take another deep breath. Feel the energies flow through you. You want to ask a question . . . but your mind gets filled with other thoughts - perhaps issues in your life - things that are on your mind - images that disturb you, etc. As third dimensional trivia enters your mind - quickly erase the thoughts and move forward until at last your mind feels free. As each thought enters your frequency- merely say, "Clear" and it will disappear! Continue until there are no further mental emotional physical interruptions. You are now ready to leave the illusion behind and enter the true reality of your soul!