How hot yoga can make an athlete's heart more efficient Medical Express - August 29, 2018
When the Canadian Olympic women's field hockey team was preparing for the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro, a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University had an idea. They wanted to determine if heat stress could enhance the athletes' performance by increasing the volume of plasma in their blood. In order to find out, they asked the athletes to undertake six days of hot yoga immediately before a six-day training camp. The results weren't exactly what the research team expected, but did point to possible performance benefits from hot yoga before a competition.
8 Things No One Tells You About Doing Yoga Huffington Post - June 7, 2015
1. It's called a "practice" for a reason.
2. It's not just about stretching and being flexible.
3. Using a block, strap or other prop doesn't make you a D-list yogi.
4. You can take breaks whenever you need to or want to.
5. Doing a handstand as an adult is not, in fact, impossible or just for yogis on Instagram.
6. The benefits extend beyond the mat.
7. It's NOT easy.
8. You just might fall in love with it.