
Gears of Time and Illusion

Law of Attraction and Manifestation - Meaningful Coincidences

How our Simulation Works

Synchronicities are often referred to as coincidences which create learning lessons both positive and/or negative depending on how one is programmed to experience and interpret them.

To understand how synchronicities work is the understand the nature of reality as a consciousness simulation in which characters and events created are programmed experiences that on this level of awareness are perceived of as real. It's all Physics and Math (algorithms) set in linear time to experience emotions.

The simulation in physical reality follows the fibonacci sequence. The brain is a computer run by binary code which aligns with the simulation's grids of experience.

Synchronicities bring people to Crystalinks ... which takes them on all sorts of journeys into awareness.

Many people come here looking for the numeric code 11 which is part of binary code [ones and zeros] and the fibonacci sequence [0,1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13, ...] as all is a mathematical algorithm. Currently that algorithm is spiraling backwards to zero point at which time the simulation ends. We are at 0.1 as we enter the year 2022.

Synchronicities are preprogrammed experiences that occur when one's DNA is programmed for a specific event in time. ... Something happens. You react. You think, "This is a coincidence. I must investigate further." You do ... then more synchronicities occur and you are suddenly following an exciting line of action and reaction. Your soul is sending you on a journey.

Today's journeys seem to be all about healing and energy to allow souls to understand what is going on and why. The ultimate goal is to understanding that we are projected illusion in a simulation that is evolving back to consciousness and light - not pseudoscience but science.

Synchronicities are patterns that repeat in time. Synchronicity refers to the gears or wheels of time, though the actual concept of synchronicity cannot be scientifically proven. One can only record synchronicities as they occur and watch the patterns of behavior that create them. The concept of synchronicity is currently linked more to metaphysics, yet physics (quantum physics) and metaphysics are merging, thus showing their interconnection and how we manifest synchronicities in our lives.

Now more than ever, synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul manifests, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively. Each day your life encounters meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, that you have attracted, on other words created in the grid of your experiences in the physical. Souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical. It is why you are here. It is how our reality works.

Synchronicities may simply occur just to make a point. Don't blow them out of proportion. You must look at the bigger picture of the synchronicity, think outside the box, (the patterns of reality) not at the actual experience.

You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of deja vu, prepares you for the physical event.

Your soul is always multitasking to create new experiences for you. If you observe how you move through life, you will understand. Doing this allows many people to clear their issues by writing their story as a catharsis of their experiences here. The higher and clearer your frequency and intent, the faster you manifest synchronicities.

Examples of Synchronicity

You are suffering with financial difficulties, yet money for basic expenses such as rent, food, and utilities, always manifests. You begin to trust this. At first you thank the universe or god, then you realize you create this abundance. You are learning to watch how you manifest and why, watching yourself from outside the box.

You have just received your last check from unemployment when suddenly a job comes along.

You walk into a book store not knowing what to buy, and the book you need falls from a shelf and practically hits you over the head.

You have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. You meet someone who knows a doctor or healer with the answers. All physical problems stem from emotional issues. Your soul will point out the patterns and hopefully the solutions. When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be there. That person will often show up by synchronicity. This all stems from various levels of depression and self-sabotage stemming from one's DNA or life experiences that have worn them down. When you are confused and in emotional pain, you either have trouble manifesting synchronicities or they are major learning lessons.

There is a sudden relocation which seems to be for one reason, but later you find much more than you bargained for as the synchronicities rapid occur as if a domino effect. For example, you relocate for a new job, then, as if by synchronicity, someone 'special' comes into your life. You and that person have attracted each other for experience, as all life is nothing more than that. In another case, the energies of the area hold something transformational for you, which is perhaps the reason your soul created the move in the first place.

You finally end a bad relationship and immediately another partner comes into your life as if by synchronicity.

You drive to a place where parking is "next to impossible" and someone pulls out of a parking spot or it is waiting for you.

You meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through synchronicity that person seems to come into your life over and over again. You begin to feel a destiny with that person. You begin to think with your heart instead of your head. You connect with that person. In some cases the karma between the two people is positive but in many cases you have attracted that person into your life for a learning lesson whether you are aware of it or not.

You feel depressed and can't find focus in your life. The next person you talk you says something that brings needed guidance. In a world of wounded souls, and evolving consciousness, answers to help and guide will come more quickly and from different sources than in your past. Learn from those who come along, but never become co-dependent.

A well-known example of synchronicity involves the true story of French writer Emile Deschamps. In 1805 he was treated to some plum pudding by Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, he encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant, and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turns out to be Monsieur de Fontgibu. In 1832 Emile Deschamps visited a restaurant with a friend and is once again offered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friend that only Monsieur de Fontgibu is missing to make the setting complete. At that moment a senile Monsieur de Fontgibu enters the room by mistake.

Synchronicity has been proposed as a corollary phenomenon of the many-worlds or parallel universes theory of quantum physics, in that the subject is somehow 'navigating' to those particular alternate worlds that are correlated to their past history, among the myriad possible other worlds that are not as correlated to their past history. Although this idea has made it into the popular press, it is considered pseudoscience by most scientists as the parallel universe theory states that all possible futures exist simultaneously, therefore the subject indeed lives out all possible futures in parallel.

Probability theory can attempt to explain events such as the plum pudding incident in our normal world, without any interference by any universal alignment forces. However, the correct variables required for actually computing the probability cannot be found. This is not to say that synchronicity is not a good model for describing a certain kind of human experience, but, according to the scientific method, it is a reason for the refusal of the idea that synchronicity should be considered a "hard fact", i.e., an actually existing principle of our universe.

Carl Jung and Synchronicity

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences.

Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events. It was a principle that he felt compassed his concept of the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead potentially reflected the manifestation of coincident events or circumstances consequent to this governing dynamic. Jung spoke of synchronicity as being an "acausal connecting principle" (ie. a pattern of connection that is not explained by causality).

Jung believed the traditional notions of causality were incapable of explaining some of the more improbable forms of coincidence. Where it is plain, felt Jung, that no causal connection can be demonstrated between two events, but where a meaningful relationship nevertheless exists between them, a wholly different type of principle is likely to be operating. Jung called this principle "synchronicity."

In The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, Jung describes how, during his research into the phenomenon of the collective unconscious, he began to observe coincidences that were connected in such a meaningful way that their occurrence seemed to defy the calculations of probability. He provided numerous examples from his own psychiatric case-studies, many now legendary.

Who then, might we say, was responsible for the synchronous arrival of the beetle, Jung or the patient? While on the surface reasonable, such a question presupposes a chain of causality Jung claimed was absent from such experience. As psychoanalyst Nandor Fodor has observed, the scarab, by Jung's view, had no determinable cause, but instead complemented the "impossibility" of the analysis. The disturbance also (as synchronicities often do) prefigured a profound transformation. For, as Fodor observes, Jung's patient had--until the appearance of the beetle--shown excessive rationality, remaining psychologically inaccessible. Once presented with the scarab, however, she improved.

Because Jung believed the phenomenon of synchronicity was primarily connected with psychic conditions, he felt that such couplings of inner (subjective) and outer (objective) reality evolved through the influence of the archetypes, patterns inherent in the human psyche and shared by all of mankind. These patterns, or "primordial images," as Jung sometimes refers to them, comprise man's collective unconscious, representing the dynamic source of all human confrontation with death, conflict, love, sex, rebirth and mystical experience. When an archetype is activated by an emotionally charged event (such as a tragedy), says Jung, other related events tend to draw near. In this way the archetypes become a doorway that provide us access to the experience of meaningful (and often insightful) coincidence.

Implicit in Jung's concept of synchronicity is the belief in the ultimate "oneness" of the universe. As Jung expressed it, such phenomenon betrays a "peculiar interdependence of objective elements among themselves as well as with the subjective (psychic) states of the observer or observers." Jung claimed to have found evidence of this interdependence, not only in his psychiatric studies, but in his research of esoteric practices as well.

Of the I Ching, a Chinese method of divination which Jung regarded as the clearest expression of the synchronicity principle, he wrote:

Jung discovered the synchronicity within the I Ching also extended to astrology. In a letter to Freud dated June 12, 1911, he wrote:

In formulating his synchronicity principle, Jung was influenced to a profound degree by the "new" physics of the twentieth century, which had begun to explore the possible role of consciousness in the physical world. In 1945 Jung wrote

The belief suggested by quantum theory and by reports of synchronous events that matter and consciousness interact, is far from new. Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connections between the subjective and objective world. Synchronistic events provide an immediate religious experience as a direct encounter with the compensatory patterning of events in nature as a whole, both inwardly and outwardly.

Ellie's World Blog and Synchronicities in Your Life







