Sunday 25 August 2005

Today marked the tenth anniversary of my website Crystalinks
a milestone and journey of its own for the millions of readers
who have passed through its portals in search of answers.

Rhine River Remembrances

Pat and I traveled from Freiburg along the Rhine River guided by Z not Dora.

Rather than take the Autobahn we took the scenic route through small towns.

Pat took pictures and made notes of things that connected for her .

We loved this red house.

Crossing the bridge to the river bank

As we followed the river I suddenly connected with Marcus' energies, as well as that of my friend, George. Both men would later report that they had fallen into a long deep sleep at the same time. We walked along the bank of the river - the water cool and refreshing. There was something familiar as if I had been here before but who knows when or where. The message: "The original bloodline was divinely guided. Your journey ends when time ceases to exist."

We brought back three Rhine Stones - Rhinestones

Designed with an "X", crystals, and concentric circles

Pat was enchanted with the wildflowers and the fragrance of lavender. Before we left, I heard, "This is the Sacred Grail. Sarah, you have been here before. The path of the bloodline is guiding you now." Pat saw the Fleur de Lis. It was time to visit France, a country that has always welcomed Pat with open arms.

Railroad tracks and vanishing points again connected for me.

The place where the train runs between the river and the road


Journey to Germany Index