Dr. Brian Greene - NOVA on PBS - November 2011
Click to watch the four-part series on PBS
Click the links below to watch the four-part series on YouTube.
November 2011
Today, as physicists examine the fabric of the cosmos more closely, many are considering that the reality in which we experience, is indeed a hologram in which all is projected illusion. According to the documentary, it originates from 2D projected into 3D with no mention of what is behind the 'camera' that sets everything in motion ... the source of consciousness waiting for souls to remember it. The show aligns all of this with black holes, more to the point the outside of the black hole - the event horizon.
How curious this was for me to hear as I have always understood about the 'eye' in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (a black hole that emits tones) as the center of creation, through which souls virtually came here and will soon leave. Further, as of mid-October, I have seen myself entering the event horizon of this simulation. There I see the black (antimatter) monolithic-shaped objects that are the final projections into the simulation as we come to the end of the biogenetic experiment we consider reality. The bottom line ... we are projected illusion in a biogenetic experiment created in space and time - to study emotions.
Scientist Rick Henson commented -- "I'm 2D living in a 3D Holographic Projection" -- The end of "What Is Space" was about black holes storing up data on the outside of its shell ... and that we are all just projections of the 2D data stored in black holes. It was a fabulous presentation, and I'm sure Matrix fans loved it, too. For traditional religious followers it must have been pure heresy. What a show. Makes a lot more sense regarding the end of the program, also, because an end of a program is no more than the data storage system no longer projecting form from a certain area of data. In other words...we get rebooted out of existence. Pretty cool ... and being stuck is merely the projector asleep, letting the reel run longer than the original director intended. What a world.
The horizon point where the 2D images become 3D
Exit into the black... Exist in the black
One day time itself will lose its meaning. Einstein said that time is experienced individually for each person. The distinction of past, present and future is only an illusion. Time doesn't exist in the sense of a universal tick tock. It is all about perception. Motion through space affects the passage of time. Space and time are fused together in what is called space-time. Motion slows the passage of time. Gravity, like motion can affect time. The strong the gravitational pulse, the more time slows, the effect may be too small to notice. We don't seem to be able to prove that time travel is possible or impossible. We experience through the illusion of time, but because of our scientific discoveries, we can also look beyond experience and recognize that we are part of a far richer and far stranger reality.
Did it begin with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago? (light at the left side)
Two Diamonds Linked by Strange Quantum Entanglement Live Science - December 1, 2011
Scientists have linked two diamonds in a mysterious process called entanglement that is normally only seen on the quantum scale. Entanglement is so weird that Einstein dubbed it "spooky action at a distance." It's a strange effect where one object gets connected to another so that even if they are separated by large distances, an action performed on one will affect the other. Entanglement usually occurs with subatomic particles, and was predicted by the theory of quantum mechanics, which governs the realm of the very small. But now physicists have succeeded in entangling two macroscopic diamonds, demonstrating that quantum mechanical effects are not limited to the microscopic scale.
Einstein spoke about "spooky action at a distance" between two entangled particles. Let's say you have two particles that have become entangled. Now one particle can instantaneously tell what the other one is doing without being anywhere near it. It's like telepathy. The two particles can be anywhere in the universe (universal grid), yet remain connected. This could explain a lot about our personal relationships. It's called quantum entanglement - and like our brains - is based on Binary Code (0101011) ... while the program itself is created by the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13) - again it begins and ends with zero and ones or 11. The 11 in 2011 is ending which takes us down to 0. Reality
Further, you know how some people are able to see the deterioration of the grids. Check out this article from Wired News that takes it all back to the Eye (the eye of time) and everything I've been blogging about for 16 years.
How to See Quantum Entanglement Wired - June 2, 2010
Human eyes can detect the spooky phenomenon of quantum entanglement - but only sometimes, a new study on the physics preprint website arXiv.org claims. While eyes can help determine if two individual photons were recently entangled, they canÕt tell if the brighter bunch of photons that actually hit the retina are in this bizarre quantum state. In general you think these quantum phenomena that involve only a few particles, theyÕre really far removed from us. That is actually not so true anymore, said physicist Nicolas Brunner of the University of Bristol. You could really go to an experiment by just having people look at these photons, and from there really actually see entanglement.
Entanglement Explanation by Dr. Quantum [1:04]
Cute video that explains how everything is connected.
The Possibility of Using Quantum Entanglement to Transmit Information Dr. Michio Kaku - 2011 [2:12]
Good explanation from Dr. Michio Kaku who explains how Einstein scoffed at the idea of quantum entanglement, calling it 'spooky action at a distance.' And while it has in fact been proven to exist, this entanglement canÕt be used to transmit any usable information. Does Einstein still have the last laugh?
Fabric of the Universe Quantum Leap NOVA - November 16, 2011
Physicists Brian Greene discusses Quantum Mechanics and Spin (of course it's spin). And what location did he choose to explain 'spin'? Why Coney Island of course, at the same Amusement Park George and I had our "Fringe Experience" on 2/11/09. Is that 11/11? [View the amusement park at 26:00 on the video.] Great Video
Quantum Entanglement Encyclopedia of Science
Identical twins, it's said, can sometimes sense when one of the pair is in danger, even if they're oceans apart. Tales of telepathy abound. Scientists cast a skeptical eye over such claims, largely because it isn't clear how these weird connections could possibly work. Yet they've had to come to terms with something that's no less strange in the world of physics: an instantaneous link between particles that remains strong, secure, and undiluted no matter how far apart the particles may be Š even if they're on opposite sides of the universe. It's a link that Einstein went to his grave denying, yet its existence is now beyond dispute. This quantum equivalent of telepathy is demonstrated daily in laboratories around the world. It holds the key to future hyperspeed computing and underpins the science of teleportation. Its name is entanglement.
Quantum Entanglement Wikipedia
The counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics about strongly correlated systems were first discussed by Albert Einstein in 1935, in a joint paper with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. In this study, they formulated the EPR paradox, a thought experiment that attempted to show that quantum mechanical theory was incomplete.
also known as a Wormhole.
Above and Below - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and Zero Point Merge
Pyramids (Cones) above and below entangled in Time
Collapsing Grids
Conclusion: Within the gridwork of the hologram, all is connected.
It started with what is called the Big Bang and ends the same way.
End of Act III (Stephen Spielberg) ... Fade to Black ... Experiment Over
Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse?
Logic seems to support Multiverse Theory.
The multiverse theory (or one of them, anyway) suggests that just outside of our universe, other universes are appearing and disappearing, each in their own bubble of space-time. Generally, these universes don't get close enough to interact, but sometimes a universe will appear right next to ours, and when that happens, we get smacked. Getting smacked by an entire universe would definitely leave a mark. Specifically, it would leave a disk-like pattern in our universeÕs cosmic microwave background radiation, and this is what a group of cosmologists from University College London have been looking for. Somewhat incredibly, they managed to find some of these bruises. Four of them. And it's ten times more likely that the four marks are universe collision signatures than that they are anything else that we know of.