March 23, 2023
There are age-old theories about End Times encoded in each of us from the beginning to the end - as all is a virtual construct. You chose your version of closure based on your programming and the timeline in which you experience - but always there is an End Time that frees us as the Human Experiment ends.
You may feel you will be rescued by aliens from a star system to which you connect or by a mythological God you have been conditioned to believe in or - something else that you cannot define at this time but you can feel it close.
For some closure is a good thing because physical reality is more of a nightmare than the dream indigenous people have always proposed - while for others the thought of The End elicits the emotions of fear and anxiety - the key emotions that highlight The End.
None of us know how our simulation ends - but we do know is one day reality as we experience it will seek to exist.
How Ancient Greek Philosophers And Mythology Saw The End Of The World IFL Science - March 23, 2023
In more recent times, our visions of the end of the world have ranged from the quite drastic threat of the climate crisis and nuclear war to imagining artificial intelligence absorbing and replacing us.